Home | Foundation | Giving Opportunities | Chapter-Based Giving
Chapter-Based Giving
You may designate your gift to a chapter’s Foundation Council for their specific educational uses and needs, or for a chapter’s Building Fund for the educational portion of a chapter house. To give to one of these funds, indicate which chapter you’d like to support when you make your gift.
If you give online, please select building fund from the drop-down menu. Then, click on the chapter of your choice.
If you give by mail or donor card, please include a note on your check or choose the appropriate section on the donor card. Below is a complete list of how you may designate your gift.

All FarmHouse chapters and associations have a Foundation Council account with the Foundation. The IRS regards these as “designated gift funds” and holds the Foundation Trustees responsible for them. Foundation Council accounts enable an association to have all of the benefits of their own foundation without the cost and challenges of establishing and administering one. This includes coverage by the International Foundation’s deductible gift status as a 501(c)3.
The Foundation and, therefore, the Foundation Councils, can only use these funds for educational purposes. When you make a gift to a chapter’s Foundation Council, they can use these funds for leadership training programs, educational retreats, scholarships, computers and related technology, library/study facilities and other educational purposes. Your gift will be designated to a chapter you prefer and, because you are giving through the Foundation, your gift will be tax-deductible.
A chapter house facility is more than a place to live for our undergraduate members. It’s a house full of brothers to encourage and challenge each other to pursue academic excellence, a place shared with young men who become brothers for life and a home away from home. The International Fraternity and the FarmHouse Foundation are unanimous in their support of providing safe and affordable living/learning facilities for the more than 1,600 undergraduate FarmHouse members. In order to do this, the Foundation offers Building Fund accounts for each FarmHouse chapter to utilize.
Your gift to a Building Fund accounts are tax-deductible through the FarmHouse Foundation. Because of this, funds designated for Building Fund accounts are used solely for the educational portion of chapter housing. Grants can be used for the building, renovating or ongoing maintenance of a chapter house. This amount is determined by an architect and generally ranges between 35-50% of the building project.

Chapter-Based Giving
Home | Foundation | Giving Opportunities | Chapter-Based Giving
Chapter-Based Giving
You may designate your gift to a chapter’s Foundation Council for their specific educational uses and needs, or for a chapter’s Building Fund for the educational portion of a chapter house. To give to one of these funds, indicate which chapter you’d like to support when you make your gift.
If you give online, please select building fund from the drop-down menu. Then, click on the chapter of your choice.
If you give by mail or donor card, please include a note on your check or choose the appropriate section on the donor card. Below is a complete list of how you may designate your gift.

All FarmHouse chapters and associations have a Foundation Council account with the Foundation. The IRS regards these as “designated gift funds” and holds the Foundation Trustees responsible for them. Foundation Council accounts enable an association to have all of the benefits of their own foundation without the cost and challenges of establishing and administering one. This includes coverage by the International Foundation’s deductible gift status as a 501(c)3.
The Foundation and, therefore, the Foundation Councils, can only use these funds for educational purposes. When you make a gift to a chapter’s Foundation Council, they can use these funds for leadership training programs, educational retreats, scholarships, computers and related technology, library/study facilities and other educational purposes. Your gift will be designated to a chapter you prefer and, because you are giving through the Foundation, your gift will be tax-deductible.
A chapter house facility is more than a place to live for our undergraduate members. It’s a house full of brothers to encourage and challenge each other to pursue academic excellence, a place shared with young men who become brothers for life and a home away from home. The International Fraternity and the FarmHouse Foundation are unanimous in their support of providing safe and affordable living/learning facilities for the more than 1,600 undergraduate FarmHouse members. In order to do this, the Foundation offers Building Fund accounts for each FarmHouse chapter to utilize.
Your gift to a Building Fund accounts are tax-deductible through the FarmHouse Foundation. Because of this, funds designated for Building Fund accounts are used solely for the educational portion of chapter housing. Grants can be used for the building, renovating or ongoing maintenance of a chapter house. This amount is determined by an architect and generally ranges between 35-50% of the building project.