March 7, 2021

WOW! The Stars of FarmHouse shine bright! More than 1,843 Stars appeared on our virtual Stars of FarmHouse Wall for 2020, breaking our 2018 Conclave record! Thank you!

While we couldn’t gather in-person for FarmHouse’s 51st Biennial Conclave in summer 2020, so many brothers and friends stepped up to help continue our special Stars of FarmHouse tradition, which benefits the FarmHouse Excellence Fund.

For $10 each, individuals could honor a FarmHouse brother or friend important in their life. These gifts were a great way to let someone know they are thought of, especially during this challenging time when we can all use a boost. Honorees, or their families, were informed of the gift in their honor by email and mail, in addition to adding their name to our virtual Stars of FarmHouse Wall.

As one alumnus shared, “We hear in FarmHouse often that as iron sharpens iron, men sharpen men. This was true during my experience and is the reason I recognize these individuals as stars for ‘sharpening’ my strengths, talents, and gifts today. These men and housemom made my Fraternity experience incredible. It is an honor to recognize them for the contributions and molding they had and have had on my life.”

If you would like to make an honor or memorial gift, please contact Allison Rickels, Foundation CEO via email. The Stars of FarmHouse will be back for the next Conclave in July 2022!

Thank you to the many FarmHouse alumni and friends for being a part of this record-breaking celebration and ensuring FarmHouse continues to shine bright!

The 2020 Stars of FarmHouse

Listed alphabetically
(† in memory)

As of August 19, 2020

PJ Aarsvold (MN 14)
Ethan Dado (MN 13)

Duane Acker (IA 49)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)

Duane Acker (IA 49)
Jeff Muchow (SD 66)

William Ahlschwede (NE 61)
Leroy Svec (NE 61)

Rob Ahlschwede (NE 66)
Andis Kaulins (NE 65)

Donald Ahrens (IA 62)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Maynard Hogberg (IA 64)

Jim Akin (AU 79)
Jim Kelly (AU 81)

Gary Albertson (IA 78)
Brian Woolley (IA 75)

Devon Alexander (OH 13)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Thomas Allen (OK 10)
Cody Cramer (OK 08)

Kerry Ames (PU 76)
Bryan Chadd (PU 76)

Jud Ammons (NC 54)
Rick Berg (ND 78)

Bryce Anderson (NE 72)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Hal Anderson (IL 63)
Doug Sims (IL 65)

Larry Anderson (KS 62)
Michael Dikeman (KS 63)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Milton Anderson (SD 66)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Jack Annan (CO 53)
Rick Berg (ND 78)

Dave Anton (IA 65)
Craig Harris (IA 65)
Stephen Wilson (IA 64)
Frank Wyatt (IA 66)

Larry Anton (IA 61) †
Dave Anton (IA 65)

Steven Anton (IA 93)
Dave Anton (IA 65)

William Appelgate (IA 65)
Craig Harris (IA 65)
Stephen Wilson (IA 64)

Lynden Armstrong (NM 90)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Phil Arnold (KS 52)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Roy Arnold (NE 59) †
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Loys Mather (NE 59)

Quinton Artho (TAR 18)
Charles Wassberg (TAR 19)

Austin Asche (SD 10)
Spencer Chase (SD 11)

LeRoy Asher (NE 63) †
Floyd Marsh (NE 63)

Ken Ashley (IA 86)
Eugene Rodberg (IA 85)

Martin Augustine (IA 87)
Timothy Becker (IA 90)

Eddie Ausbrooks (KY 92)
Arthur Hathaway (KY 92)

Kevin Bachmeier (ND 82)
Calvin Messersmith (NE 61)

Coty Back (WK 05)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Christopher Baker (PU 78)
Bryan Chadd (PU 76)

Duane Baker (MI 61)
Tarry Edington (MI 61)

Katie Baker  
Christian Wiggins

Jalen Baldwin (SD 15)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Ted Ballard (SIU 11)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Greg Bamford (CO 67)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Rick Brock (PU 71)
Chris Frasier (CO 80)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
James Lodoen (ND 79)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Kent Bamford (CO 71)
Greg Bamford (CO 67)

Mary Ann Bannerman  
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Ethan Dado (MN 13)

Jim Barker (IA 77)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Rick Barnes (TT 82)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
John Torres (OH 02)
Christian Wiggins

Keith Barnhart (IA 64)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Tom Barntsen (IA 03)
Shawn Eagleburger (IA 02)

Dan Barrett (IA 72)
Brian Woolley (IA 75)

Thomas Barrett (IA 66)
Dave Anton (IA 65)
Frank Wyatt (IA 66)

Sid Barwick (IA 71) †
Chuck Morris (IA 71)

Don Bauder (NE 60)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Blake Bauer (KS 01)
Clint Blaes (KS 05)

Amy Jo Baughman  
Tracy Kitchel (OH 97)

Jason Bay (TN 19)
Amy Rochkes

Jack Baye (SD 82)
Ken Converse (SD 81)

Susan D Bear  
Bryan Chadd (PU 76)

Barton Beattie (NE 91)
Neal Kanel (NE 04)

Jeff Beavers (IL 92)
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Sonny Beck (PU 59)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Robert Beekman (OH 99)
John Torres (OH 02)

Jim Bentley (MI 64)
Bob Wiles (MI 63)

Rick Berg (ND 78)
Gary Hansen (SD 72
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
James Lodoen (ND 79)
Calvin Messersmith (NE 61)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Ronald Bergan (ND 62)
Calvin Messersmith (NE 61)

Jo Berryman  
Jason Butler
Shawn Eagleburger (IA 02)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Jeanine Lane
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)
William Appelgate (IA 65)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Craig Harris (IA 65)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)

Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Stephen Wilson (IA 64)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Kohler Betts (OR 19)
Erik Gradine (OR 96)

Jay Beyer-Kropuenske (MN 89)
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Tom Kopacek (MN 70)

Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Mary Ann Bannerman
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Joseph & Rita Bezdicek
Ethan Dado (MN 13)
Ryan Feist (SD 00)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Corinne Koch & Robert Stanton
Tom Kopacek (MN 70)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Michaela Norton
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Brent Bible (PU 93)
Rick Brock (PU 71)
Shawn Eagleburger (IA 02)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Jason Bivins (KY 94)
Arthur Hathaway (KY 92)

Ken Blackmon (AU 80)
Jim Kelly (AU 81)

Curt Blades (MO 91)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Clint Blaes (KS 05)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Daniel Laverentz (KS 16)
Tim Penner (KS 79)

Neil Block (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Fred Boesiger (NE 66)
Gary White (NE 66)

William Bogue (IA 65) †
William Appelgate (IA 65)
Chuck Morris (IA 71)
Stephen Wilson (IA 64)

Ben Bohannon (KY 16)
Dennis Liptrap (KY 62)

Alan Boning (NE 60)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Chase Bos (MI 16)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Roger Bossingham (IL 56)
Richard Vatthauer (IL 57)

Chad Bot (MN 92)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Louis Boyd (KY 53)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)

David Boyne (MI 54)
Bob Wiles (MI 63)

Robert Braden (MI 42) †
Bob Wiles (MI 63)

Chad Braden (IL 89)
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Alex Brauman (IL 16)
Bruce Frank (IL 05)
Patricia Justice
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Patrick Brewer (OR 20)
Erik Gradine (OR 96)

Dinus Briggs (SD 66)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jack Thomas (OK 71)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Hilton Briggs (IA 33) †
Clark Hanson (MN 61)

Pete Bring (ND 80)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Ted Britton (PU 60) †
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Rick Brock (PU 71)
Greg Bamford (CO 67)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Don Brockmeier (NE 60)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Bob Brooks (OH 79)
John Foltz (OH 79)

John Brooks (OK 08)
Cody Cramer (OK 08)

George Broughton (OH 97) †
John Foltz (OH 79)

Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Maynard Hogberg (IA 64)
Jerry Ladman (IA 55)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Jack Rossman (IA 55)

Lindsey Brummer (IA 72)
Chuck Morris (IA 71)

Matthew Brummett (IA 99)
Roger Brummett (IA 68)

Roger Brummett (IA 68)
William Appelgate (IA 65)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Eric Brunkow (KS 08)
Clint Blaes (KS 05)
Tim Penner (KS 79)

Paul Brutlag (MN 67)
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)

Roger Buehler (IA 64)
Dave Anton (IA 65)

Roger Buehler (IA 64)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Allyn Buhrow (IL 96)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Kirk Builta (IL 04)
Alex Brauman (IL 16)
Bruce Frank (IL 05)
Patricia Justice
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Doug Sims (IL 65)

Lance Burditt (MO 94)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Troy Burrow (TN 19)
Amy Rochkes

Mary Buschette  
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)

Jake Butcher (IL 05)
Bruce Frank (IL 05)

Jason Butler  
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Jeanine Lane
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Jay Butler (PU 65) †
Richard Woerner (PU 66)

Eric Bymaster (PU 90)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Christian Wiggins

Dave Caldwell  †
John Foltz (OH 79)

Thomas Camp (NE 73)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Markus Campbell (TN 82)
Amy Rochkes

Dave Carlin (KS 80)
Michael Dykes (KY 81)

Dave Carlson (ND 78)
James Lodoen (ND 79)

Merlyn Carlson (NE 54)
Greg Ibach (NE 81)

Nick Carter (KY 65)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)
Dennis Liptrap (KY 62)
Loys Mather (NE 59)

Brian Celsor (KY 92)
Arthur Hathaway (KY 92)

Mike Celsor (KY 02)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)

G.L.M. “Monty” Chappell (KY 77) †
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)

Clinton Charles (IL 05)
Bruce Frank (IL 05)

Spencer Chase (SD 11)
Matt Dahle (SD 13)

Michael Chatt (NE 66)
Gary White (NE 66)

Jen Chessmore  
Ben Davis (OK 16)

Clifford Christenson (MN 36) †
Tom Kopacek (MN 70)

Ellsworth Christmas (PU 55)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Josh Christoffer (MN 15)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Nathan Clemans (ID 15)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Nicholas Clemens (IL 18)
Kirk Builta (IL 04)
Patricia Justice

Garrett Cobb (WKY 17)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Nate Cockburn (SD 10)
Spencer Chase (SD 11)

J.D. Coffman (MO 85)
Brian Fenimore (MO 85)

Berl Colley (WA 61) †
Ken Strausz (WA 63)

Mike Conklin (ID 92)
Wayne Wohler (ID 74)

William Connealy (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Mark Conner (IL 89)
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Ken Converse (SD 81)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Andy Jacobitz (NE 85)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Doug Sims (IL 65)

Sid Cornelius (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Brennen Costello (NE 12)
John Torres (OH 02)

Chad Courtney (MO 93)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Cody Cramer (OK 08)
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Jason Butler
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Christian Wiggins

Harold Crawford (IA 68) †
William Appelgate (IA 65)

Reid Crawford (IA 70)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Larry Witzel (IA 85)
Brian Woolley (IA 75)

Ross Crist (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Jason Croat (SD 12)
Matt Dahle (SD 13)

Randy Crom (IA 76)
Terry Tobin (IA 76)
Brian Woolley (IA 75)

Dick Crowder (HON 11)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Justin Crowley (MN 09)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Ethan Dado (MN 13)
Eric Olson (MN 16)

Bob Dahlberg (IA 47) †
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Matt Dahle (SD 13)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Dave Daniel (ID 73)
Wayne Wohler (ID 74)

Michael Dannehl (NE 78)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Robert Dannert (NE 57)
Robert Smidt (NE 56)

Ben Davis (OK 16)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Jeff Davis (SD 78)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Clark Hanson (MN 61)
Jeff Muchow (SD 66)

Kenny Davis (OK 83)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Rick Davis (OK 80)
Doug Thomas (KY 78)

Robert Davis (SD 00)
Jeff Davis (SD 78)
Ryan Feist (SD 00)

Stephen Davis (SD 10)
Jeff Davis (SD 78)

Steve Davis (OK 77)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Joe Dearen (KY 53) †
William Moody (KY 53)

Debra DeBates  
Dinus Briggs (SD 66)

Travis DeClerck (IL 92)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Aaron Dekker (IA 02)
Shawn Eagleburger (IA 02)

Alan Dexter (NE 61)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

David Diehl (IA 55)
Marvin Selke (IA 55)

Gary Diffendaffer (NE 65)
Ron Diffendaffer (NE 68)
Kenneth Messersmith (NE 67)
Jim Stevens (NE 68)
Gary White (NE 66)

Ronald Diffendaffer (NE 68)
Gary Diffendaffer (NE 65)
Jim Stevens (NE 68)

Mark Dikeman (KS 92)
Tim Penner (KS 79)

Michael Dikeman (KS 63)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

D. Howard Doane (MO 05) †
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Doug Downs (NE 61)
Leroy Svec (NE 61)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Ryan Downs (NE 88)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Roy Frederick (NE 63)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Andy Jacobitz (NE 85)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Calvin Drake (KS 54) †
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Dale Droge (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Jack Duke (TAR 20)
Charles Wassberg (TAR 19)

Cameron Dunlap (NM 93)
Dinus Briggs (SD 66)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jack Thomas (OK 71)

Leon Dunn (KS 62)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Kyle Dupper (VT 12)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
Christian Wiggins

Dan Durheim (MN 93)
John Torres (OH 02)

Michael Dykes (KY 74)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Greg Ibach (NE 81)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Doug Sims (IL 65)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Shawn Eagleburger (IA 02)
Brent Bible (PU 93)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
Michaela Norton
Adam Peters (PU 02)
Allison Rickels
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
John Torres (OH 02)
Christian Wiggins

Bailey Eberhart (OH 18)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
John Torres (OH 02)

Steve Eberhart (NE 49)
Charles Stuber (NE 49)

Drew Eckert (OH 78)
John Foltz (OH 79)

Gabriel Eckert (KS 95)
Brent Bible (PU 93)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Tom Kopacek (MN 70)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
John Torres (OH 02)
Christian Wiggins

Nate Eckloff (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Charlie Edgington (KY 95)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)

Tarry Edington (MI 61)
Allison Rickels
Bob Wiles (MI 63)

David Edwards (IA 96)
William Edwards (IA 67)

Dennis Eggleston (NE 65)
Eugene Morse (NE 62)

Edward Eggleston (NE 68)
Gary Diffendaffer (NE 65)

Patrick Eggleston (SD 11)
Spencer Chase (SD 11)

Norm Ehlers (IL 57)
Richard Vatthauer (IL 57)

Jon Ellis (IA 84)
Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Ray Emerson (IA 67)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Daniel England (NE 01)
Stephen England (NE 66)

Jon England (NE 97)
Stephen England (NE 66)

Robert England (NE 31) †
Stephen England (NE 66)

Steve England (NE 66)
Andis Kaulins (NE 65)
Jim Stevens (NE 68)
Gary White (NE 66)

Wayne Engstrom (WA 60)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Eric Hausken (WA 98)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Ronald Erlewine (NE 76)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Jackson Eubanks (TN 20)
Amy Rochkes

Craig Evans (MO85)
Brian Fenimore (MO 85)

Jim Evans (IA 52)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)

Patrick Everman (OH 91)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Mel Fahning (MN 55) †
Dick Olson (MN 55)

Mike Fayhee (IL 67)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Doug Sims (IL 65)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Harold Fearing (KS 52)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Jon Feist (SD 04)
Ryan Feist (SD 00)

Ryan Feist (SD 00)
John Torres (OH 02)

Ferol Fell (KS 52)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Brian Fenimore (MO 85)
James Lodoen (ND 79)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
John Torres (OH 02)
Christian Wiggins

Don Ferguson (KS 63)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
James Lodoen (ND 79)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Doug Sims (IL 65)

Stan Ferris (NE 67)
Kenneth Messersmith (NE 67)

Gary Fersdahl (SD 66) †
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Austin Fichter (IA 12)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Corby Fichter (IA 78)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Mylon Filkins (NE 59)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Alan Finley (MO 90)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Tony Fiore (OH 95)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Jim Fitterling (MO 80)
Brian Fenimore (MO 85)

Brian Folkerts (IL 79)
Michael Dykes (KY 89)

John Foltz (OH 55)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

John Foltz (OH 79)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Tracy Kitchel (OH 97)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
John Torres (OH 02)
Christian Wiggins

Adam Ford (VT 10)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Luke Foster (IA 99)
Chad Harris (IA 98)

Noah Foster (WS 17)
Andrew Stockmann (WS 17)

Jordan Fountain (WS 18)
Andrew Stockmann (WS 17)

Elijah Foutch (TN 19)
Amy Rochkes

Greg Fox (AU 82)
Jim Kelly (AU 81)

Richard Frahm (NE 58)
Charles Stuber (NE 49)

Bruce Frank (IL 05)
Kirk Builta (IL 04)
Patricia Justice
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Doug Sims (IL 65)

Marlin Frank (IA 54)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)

Mason Fraser (SIU 11)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Stuart Fraser (SIU 11)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Chris Frasier (CO 80)
Greg Bamford (CO 67)

Roy Frederick (NE 63)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Floyd Marsh (NE 63)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Bryce Freeman (IA 93)
Chad Harris (IA 98)

Mark Freese (NE 78)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Derrick Freshcorn (OH 13)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
John Torres (OH 02)

Jim Frevert (IA 58)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
John Miranowski (IA 64)

Wilbur Frye (KY 77)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Dennis Liptrap (KY 62)
William Moody (KY 53)
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)

Steve Gangwish (NE 01)
Greg Ibach (NE 81)

Cory Gardner (CO 95)
Rick Berg (ND 78)

Jerry Gardner (KS 59)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

C.J. Gauger (IA 37) †
Chuck Morris (IA 71)

Matthew Gentry (TN 18)
Amy Rochkes

Gerald George (MI 63)
Tarry Edington (MI 61)

Phil Gibson (IA 66)
Craig Harris (IA 65)
Dave Anton (IA 65)

Andy Gigstad (KS 07)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Malcolm Gigstad (KS 61)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Gus Gill (CO 15)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Asher Gilliland (KS 13)
Daniel Laverentz (KS 16)

Raney Gilliland (KS 72)
Clint Blaes (KS 05)
Tim Penner (KS 79)

Keith Gilster (NE 62)
Greg Ibach (NE 81)

Kyle Gilster (NE 91)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)

Mark Girone (IL 13)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

John Glenn (IA 64) †
Stephen Wilson (IA 64)

Ryan Goddard (OH 15)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Darrell Godfrey (IA 73)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Andy Jacobitz (NE 85)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Steve Robisky (ILS 83)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Drew Goering (KS 07)
Chad Harris (IA 98)

Duane Goranson (OR 90)
Erik Gradine (OR 96)

Tanner Gosda (NE 13)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Erik Gradine (OR 96)
John Crosiar (OR 68)

Robert Graham (MS 69)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Terry Graham (OK 75)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Ben Davis (OK 17)
Randy Weaver (OK 72)

David Granskog (MI 64)
Bob Wiles (MI 63)

Mark Greenwell (KY 73)
Michael Dykes (KY 83)

Martin Greenwell (KY 73)
Michael Dykes (KY 82)

Jim Griffith (MO 91)
Brian McCann (MS 95)
Allison Rickels
Christian Wiggins

Ralph Grotelueschen (NE 60)
Leroy Svec (NE 61)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Tim Hadachek (KS 07)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Bailey Eberhart (OH 18)
John Foltz (OH 79)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Calvin Messersmith (NE 61)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
John Torres (OH 02)

Craig Hailey (MO 93)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Larry Hammer (NE 60) †
Leroy Svec (NE 61)

Ethan Hammond (KS 16)
Daniel Laverentz (KS 16)

Larry Hammond (NE 61)
Calvin Messersmith (NE 61)
Leroy Svec (NE 61)

Larry Hammond (MI 63) †
Albert Vannice (MI 63)

David Hancock (KY 80)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)

Tim Handorf (IA 91)
Timothy Becker (IA 90)

George Hanselman (IA 64)
Dave Anton (IA 65)

Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Michael Dykes (KY 75)
Clark Hanson (MN 61)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Marshall Hansen (NE 88)
Neal Kanel (NE 04)

Clark Hanson (SD 61)
Dinus Briggs (SD 66)
Jeff Davis (SD 78)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Tom Kopacek (MN 70)

Don Hanway (NE 63)
Gary Diffendaffer (NE 65)

Joseph Harmon (NM 95)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Bill Harris (IA 65)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Chad Harris (IA 98)
Brent Bible (PU 93)
Shawn Eagleburger (IA 02)
Craig Harris (IA 65)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Allison Rickels
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Christian Wiggins

Craig Harris (IA 65)
Dave Anton (IA 65)
William Appelgate (IA 65)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Roger Brummett (IA 68)
Clark Hanson (MN 61)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Donald Irwin (IA 65)
James Lodoen (ND 79)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Don Wilson (IA 66)
Stephen Wilson (IA 64)
Frank Wyatt (IA 66)

Duane Harris (IA 63)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
Craig Harris (IA 65)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Stephen Wilson (IA 64)

Steve Harris (IA 69)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Jon Harwood (ID 18)
Wayne Wohler (ID 74)

Jack Haselbush (CO 67)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Michael Hasenmyer (KY 93)
Chris Logan (KY 92)

Art Hathaway (KY 92)
Chris Logan (KY 92)

Nick Haulman (OH 19)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Tom Hawkins (IL 90)
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Jim Hayes (NM 87)
Jack Thomas (OK 71)

Keith Heffernan (IA 66)
Dave Anton (IA 65)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Don Wilson (IA 66)

Jim Hegg (SD 66)
Jeff Muchow (SD 66)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Art Heggen (IA 66) †
Dave Anton (IA 65)
Greg Bamford (CO 67)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Stephen Wilson (IA 64)

Ryan Helling (IA 10)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Matthew Helms (IL 93)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Lynn Henderson (IA 71)
Rick Brock (PU 71)
Chuck Morris (IA 71)

Jared Hendrickson (SD 00)
Ryan Feist (SD 00)

Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Michael Dykes (KY 90)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Greg Bamford (CO 67)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Brent Bible (PU 93)
Rick Brock (PU 71)
Michael Dykes (KY 79)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Andy Jacobitz (NE 85)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Michaela Norton
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Doug Sims (IL 65)
Noel Stuckman (PU 54)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)
Tom Wenstrand (IA 67)

Judi Herbert  
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Nick Herchenroeder (PU 01) 1
Adam Peters (PU 02)

Wendell Herman (ND 67)
Calvin Messersmith (NE 61)

Lee Herron (OH 96)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Craig Hertel (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Chad Hertz (IL 89)
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Dave Hertz (IA 62)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Randy Hertz (IA 73)
Rick Brock (PU 71)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)

Adam Herwig (SIU 11)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Curt Herzog  
Jason Butler
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Christian Wiggins

J Howard Hesby (SD 66) †
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Matt Hess (KY 92)
Arthur Hathaway (KY 92)

Peter Hess (IA 99)
Chad Harris (IA 98)

Rev. Mark Hesse (OH 98)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Brian Hetzer (IL 00)
Bruce Frank (IL 05)

Alec Higgason (IL 17)
Patricia Justice
Doug Sims (IL 65)

Jeff Hilbrenner (MO 97)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Brian Hilgenfeld (NE 86)
Neal Kanel (NE 04)

David Hill (MO 83)
Brian Fenimore (IA 85)

Bruce Hinrichs (MN 80)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Dick Hodge (ID 60)
Wayne Wohler (ID 74)

Tom Hoegemeyer (NE 67)
Kenneth Messersmith (NE 67)

Maynard Hogberg (IA 64)
Dave Anton (IA 65)
Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Craig Harris (IA 65)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
John Miranowski (IA 64)
Chuck Morris (IA 71)
Eugene Rodberg (IA 85)
Frank Wyatt (IA 66)

Brian Hogue (TAM 05)
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Chris Holck (IA 76)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Jeff Honey (MO 93)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Thomas Hood (MI 57)
James Thar (MI 56)

Ben Hoptroff (TN 08)
Chad Harris (IA 98)

Jared Horman  
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Christian Wiggins

Tim Hornsby (OH 08)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
Tracy Kitchel (OH 97)

Kent Horsager (MN 81)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Clark Hanson (MN 61)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Tom Kopacek (MN 70)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Maurice Horton (PU 52) †
Clark Hanson (MN 61)

Walter Hoskins (AU 82)
Jim Kelly (AU 81)

Jason Howard (KY 94)
Arthur Hathaway (KY 92)

Pete Howell (IA 85)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)

Wallace Huffman (IA 64) †
Dave Anton (IA 65)

Eston Hughey (OR 17)
Erik Gradine (OR 96)

Jim Hultgren (IA 65)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Melvin Hunt (KS 61)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Ted Hutchcroft (IA 51)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)

Alec Ibach (NE 11)
Greg Ibach (NE 81)

Evan Ibach (NE 11)
Greg Ibach (NE 81)

Greg Ibach (NE 81)
Michael Dykes (KY 85)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)
Jim Stevens (NE 68)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
John Torres (OH 02)
Christian Wiggins

Barry Isdell (MO 93)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Andrew Jackson (OR 94)
Erik Gradine (OR 96)

David Jackson (TN 18)
Amy Rochkes

Kathryn Jackson  
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)
Dennis Liptrap (KY 62)
Loys Mather (NE 59)
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)

Andy Jacobitz (NE 85)
Roy Frederick (NE 63)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Shane Jacques  
Jeanine Lane
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Christian Wiggins

Andrew Janikula (MN 94)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Justin Janssen (KS 67)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Jeb Jarrell (KY 09)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)
William Moody (KY 53)

Curtis Jensen (MI 63)
Eugene H Buck (MI 63)

Judson Jesske (NE 88)
Neal Kanel (NE 04)

Casey Jetton (KY 90)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)
Dennis Liptrap (KY 62)

James Jobman (NE 63) †
Floyd Marsh (NE 63)

Eldon Johnson (KS 53) †
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Joel Johnson (IA 06)
Eugene Rodberg (IA 85)

Larry Johnson (IL 65)
Doug Sims (IL 65)

Maurice Johnson (ID 57)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Wayne Wohler (ID 74)

Milton (Pete) Johnson (NE 64) †
Floyd Marsh (NE 63)

Steve Johnson  
John Foltz (OH 79)

Steven Johnson (KS 84)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Milt Johnston (ID 66)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Byron Jones (IL 59)
Richard Vatthauer (IL 57)

Gary Jones (MN 56) †
Dick Olson (MN 55)

Russ Jones (IA 86)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Eugene Rodberg (IA 85)

Russell Jones (IA 14)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Tyler Jones (IA 11)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Jerry Judd (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Dick Justice (IL 94) †
Patricia Justice

Patricia Justice  
Alex Brauman (IL 16)
Kirk Builta (IL 04)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Doug Sims (IL 65)

Dave Kassel (IA 73)
Paul Kassel (IA 75)

Jim Kassel (IA 77)
Paul Kassel (IA 75)

Ken Kassel (IA 76)
Paul Kassel (IA 75)

Joe Kasza (CO 75)
Chris Frasier (CO 80)

Andis Kaulins (NE 65)
Eugene Morse (NE 62)

Rich Kay (IA 65)
Craig Harris (IA 65)
Frank Wyatt (IA 66)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)

Bob Keefer (IL 51) †
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Bobby Keen (AU 71)
Roy Wilson (PU 76)

Steve Keller (KY 92)
Arthur Hathaway (KY 92)

John Kelley (KS 87)
Tim Penner (KS 79)

Jim Kelly (AU 81)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

James D. Kemp  †
Michael Dykes (KY 75)

Mark Keuchel (OK 06)
Cody Cramer (OK 08)

Jim Kindle (TN 59)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)

Elliot Kinnander (SD 09)
Spencer Chase (SD 11)

Rob Kinsey (NE 67)
Kenneth Messersmith (NE 67)

Tracy Kitchel (OH 97)
John Foltz (OH 79)
John Torres (OH 02)

Gerald Klonglan (IA 55)
Jack Rossman (IA 55)
Marvin Selke (IA 55)

Matt Klopfenstein (OH 16)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

John Klueppel (MO 85)
Brian Fenimore (MO 85)

Bob Knief (IL 89)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Brent Bible (PU 93)
Alex Brauman (IL 16)
Michael Dykes (KY 80)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Andy Jacobitz (NE 85)
Patricia Justice
Jim Kelly (AU 81)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeanine Lane
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Doug Sims (IL 65)
Noel Stuckman (PU 54)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)
John Torres (OH 02)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Matthew Knight (IL 95)
Bruce Frank (IL 05)

Tom Kopacek (MN 70)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

John Kreuscher (NE 77)
John Toy (NE 77)

Kent Kroger (IA 98)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
John Torres (OH 02)

Austin Krug (KS 13)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Coty Back (WK 05)
Brent Bible (PU 93)
Clint Blaes (KS 05)
Rick Brock (PU 71)
Michael Dikeman (KS 63)
Michael Dykes (KY 91)
Roy Frederick (NE 63)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
James Lodoen (ND 79)
Jeff Muchow (SD 66)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Doug Sims (IL 65)
Noel Stuckman (PU 54)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)
Bob Wiles (MI 63)

Tom Kruse (KS 69)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

John Kuegel (KY 53)
William Moody (KY 53)

Don Kvasnicka (MN 51)
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Dick Olson (MN 55)

Jerry Ladman (IA 55)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Jack Rossman (IA 55)
Marvin Selke (IA 55)


Eric Lahlum (ND 89)
Calvin Messersmith (NE 61)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Parker Lambton (PU 19)
Shane Jacques

Jeanine Lane  
Jason Butler
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Christian Wiggins

George Langemo (MN 55) †
Dick Olson (MN 55)

Greg Lardy (NE 88)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Donald Larson (IA 57)
Marvin Selke (IA 55)

Lowell Larson (IA 55)
Marvin Selke (IA 55)

Brian Lary (MO 94)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

William Latz (NE 74)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Stan Laures (IA 61)
Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)

Daniel Laverentz (KS 16)
Clint Blaes (KS 05)
Tim Penner (KS 79)

Kyle Lawstuen (MN 15)
Eric Olson (MN 16)

Chris Lembcke (CO 67) †
Greg Bamford (CO 67)
Roy Wilson (PU 73)

Randy Lemm (ND 76)
James Lodoen (ND 79)

Daniel Leonard (TN 18)
Amy Rochkes

Jim Leonard (OH 60)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
John Torres (OH 02)

Joshua Lewis (KS 01)
Clint Blaes (KS 05)
Tim Penner (KS 79)

Kane Lewis (WC 19)

Preston Lewis (OK 16)
Ben Davis (OK 18)

Robert Lewis (KS 58)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Kurt Lieberknecht (CO 13)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Landon Lindemer (OH 15)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Randy Linville (KS 73)
Rick Brock (PU 71)
Michael Dykes (KY 92)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Dennis Liptrap (KY 62)
Michael Dykes (KY 75)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)
Loys Mather (NE 59)
William Moody (KY 53)
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)

Oran Little (KY 88)
Doug Thomas (KY 78)

Linda Lloyd  
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Jim Lodoen (ND 79)
Greg Bamford (CO 67)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Chris Logan (KY 92)
Arthur Hathaway (KY 92)

Ted Logan (OH 78)
John Foltz (OH 79)

Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Maynard Hogberg (IA 64)
Kent Lucken (IA 83)
Michaela Norton
Allison Rickels
Eugene Rodberg (IA 85)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Don Wilson (IA 66)
Larry Witzel (IA 85)
Brian Woolley (IA 75)

Joshua Long (KY 01)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)

Kent Lucken (IA 83)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)

Gary Ludwig (IL 64) †
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)

Chris Lueders (MO 97)
Allison Rickels

Lanny Lund (NE 61)
Leroy Svec (NE 61)

Gary Luth (IL 69)
Kirk Builta (IL 04)
Bruce Frank (IL 05)
Patricia Justice
Doug Sims (IL 65)

Dave Malone (NE 67)
Kenneth Messersmith (NE 67)

Alex Mangum (ID 17)
Wayne Wohler (ID 74)

Keith Manion (KY 83)
Chris Logan (KY 92)

Robbie Maples (OK 10)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Roy Frederick (NE 63)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Jeanine Lane
Allison Rickels
Amy Rochkes
Garrett Saunders (OK 17)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Marty Martens (IA 92)
Timothy Becker (IA 90)

Andrew Lee Mason  
Dwain McMullen (PU 68)

Dan Mason (PU 68)
Dwain McMullen (PU 68)

Jim Massey (MO 93)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Glenn Matheny (MI 61)
Albert Vannice (MI 63)
Bob Wiles (MI 63)

Loys Mather (NE 59)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)
William Moody (KY 53)
Eugene Morse (NE 62)
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)
Doug Thomas (KY 78)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)
Burt Weichenthal (NE 56)

Brad Matt (IA 98)
Chad Harris (IA 98)

Robert Matthews (WA 00)
Eric Hausken (WA 98)

Ryan Matthews (OH 17)
Shane Jacques

Al Mayers (MN 54)
James Lodoen (ND 79)

Brian McCann (MS 95)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Scott McCarty (PU 74)
Bryan Chadd (PU 76)

Dave McClatchey (NE 60)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Merrill McClatchey (NE 66)
Gary White (NE 66)

Bob McCoy (OH 53) †
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Kolesen McCoy (OH 18)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Shane Jacques
John Torres (OH 02)

Jeremy McDaniel (MO 13)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Tom McDougall (ND 84)
Calvin Messersmith (NE 61)

Sam Mcfarland (WS 17)
Shane Jacques

Jarrod McGinnis (MO 93)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Miles McKee (KS 49)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Kahlin McKeown  
Jason Butler
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Christian Wiggins

John McNutt (IA 70)
Chuck Morris (IA 71)

John Means (KS 50)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Will Meeks (NM 87)
Jack Thomas (OK 71)

Ron Meinke (NE 61)
Leroy Svec (NE 61)

Les Mergelman (CO 65)
Greg Bamford (CO 67)

Cal Messersmith (NE 61)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)
Larry Hammond (NE 61)
Leroy Svec (NE 61)

Ken Messersmith (NE 67)
Gary Diffendaffer (NE 65)
Jim Stevens (NE 68)

Tom Messersmith (NE 68)
Jim Stevens (NE 68)

Norman Messner (MO 83)
Brian Fenimore (MO 85)

Kevin Meyer (NE 85)
Ken Converse (SD 81)
Andy Jacobitz (NE 85)

David Mezger (IA 66)
William Appelgate (IA 65)

Dennis Micko (SD 66)
Jeff Muchow (SD 66)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Camden Miracle (KY 18)
Dennis Liptrap (KY 62)

John Miranowski (IA 64)
William Appelgate (IA 65)
Maynard Hogberg (IA 64)

Paul Mohler (PU 79)
Bryan Chadd (PU 76)

William Moody (KY 53)
Michael Dykes (KY 75)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)
Dennis Liptrap (KY 62)
Loys Mather (NE 59)
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)
Doug Thomas (KY 78)

Jeff Moore (MO 94)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Jordan Moore (OK 05)
Cody Cramer (OK 08)

Larry Moore (IA 57)
Marvin Selke (IA 55)

David Morford (IA 73)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Jim Morgan (IA 72)
Chuck Morris (IA 71)

Spencer Morgan (TN 18)
Amy Rochkes

Eugene Morse (NE 62)
Loys Mather (KY 59)
Andis Kaulins (NE 65)

Paxton Morse (SIU 18)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Ron Morse (NE 59)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)
Eugene Morse (NE 62)

Gary Moss (OR 86)
John Crosiar (OR 68)
Erik Gradine (OR 96)

Jason Mott (MO 94)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Austin Muchow (KS 12)
Jeff Muchow (SD 66)

Jeff Muchow (SD 66)
Greg Bamford (CO 67)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

D. Curtis Mumford (IL 20) †
John Crosiar (OR 68)

Dennis Lynn Mummert (IL 65) †
David Mies (IL 67)

Luke Munchrath (TAR 17)
Jason Butler
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Christian Wiggins

Rick Munson (KS 73)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Clint Blaes (KS 05)
Tim Penner (KS 79)

Chad Musselman (IL 98)
Alex Brauman (IL 16)
Bruce Frank (IL 05)
Patricia Justice

Ryan Musselman (PU 09)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Daniel Muth (NM 93)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Scott Nagel (MN 89)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Michael Dykes (KY 77)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Jim Kelly (AU 81)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
John Torres (OH 02)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Dick Naskali (ID 70) †
Roy Wilson (PU 71)

Steve Neff (OH 81)
John Torres (OH 02)

Kirk Nelson (IA 76)
Terry Tobin (IA 76)
Brian Woolley (IA 75)

Doug Netz (NE 81)
Greg Ibach (NE 81)

Lane Nichols (KS 16)
Daniel Laverentz (KS 16)

Alex Nielsen (ND 14)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Wayne Nieman (IA 68)
Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)

Truman Nodland (MN 31) †
Tom Kopacek (MN 70)

Jeremy Noem (SD 10)
Matt Dahle (SD 13)

Patrick Nolan (OH 04)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
John Torres (OH 02)

Robert Nordstrom (NE 74)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Chris North (IL 16)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Doug Sims (IL 65)

Bill Northey (IA 79)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Michael Dykes (KY 86)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Wayne Northey (IA 54)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)

Mike Northup (HON 18)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Brian Norton (MO 93)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Michaela Norton  
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Jason Butler
Shawn Eagleburger (IA 02)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Jeanine Lane
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Ryan Nottingham (WA 98)
Eric Hausken (WA 98)

Joshua Oakes (TN 18)
Amy Rochkes

Brian K O’Banion (WK 95)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Randy Oberdiek (MO 81)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Charles Oellerman (NE 77)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Bob Off (CO 64)
William Appelgate (IA 65)
Dinus Briggs (SD 66)
Ken Converse (SD 81)
Jim Kelly (AU 81)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
James Lodoen (ND 79)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Brian McCann (MS 95)
Michaela Norton
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Doug Sims (IL 65)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Randy Weaver (OK 72)
Christian Wiggins

Linda Off  
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Dennis Olson (IA 66)
Don Wilson (IA 66)

Doug Olson (MN 97)
Dick Olson (MN 55)

Eric Olson (MN 16)
Ethan Dado (MN 13)
Shane Jacques

Roger Olson (SD 66)
Jeff Muchow (SD 66)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Ronald Olson (IA 67)
Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)
Don Wilson (IA 66)

Russel Olson (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

John Oltjen (KS 52) †
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Max Oltjen (KS 49)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Barb Oplinger  
Clint Blaes (KS 05)

Don Opstad (MN 56) †
Dick Olson (MN 55)

Ron Orth (IA 62)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Maynard Hogberg (IA 64)
Chuck Morris (IA 71)

John Ortner (CO 04)
Greg Bamford (CO 67)
Rick Barnes (TT 82)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
John Torres (OH 02)
Christian Wiggins
Roy Wilson (PU 77)

Robin Osborn (OK 75)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Kenneth Overhults (KY 60)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)
William Moody (KY 53)
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)

James Parochetti (IL 59)
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Shane Pass (WS 17)
Andrew Stockmann (WS 17)

Walt Patterson (NE 56)
Robert Smidt (NE 56)

Daniel Pearson (MN 73)
Michael Dykes (KY 87)

Andrew Pederson (ILS 09)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Galen Pelton (KS 79)
Tim Penner (KS 79)

Rod Penner (NE 84)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Tim Penner (KS 79)
Clint Blaes (KS 05)
Daniel Laverentz (KS 16)

Jansen Penny (KS 17)
Daniel Laverentz (KS 16)

Andy Peter (PU 02) 1
Adam Peters (PU 02)

Grant Petersen (SD 99)
Ryan Feist (SD 00)

Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Michael Dykes (KY 76)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Andy Jacobitz (NE 85)
Jim Kelly (AU 81)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
John Torres (OH 02)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Mark Peterson (IA 63)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Robert Peterson (SD 67)
Jeff Muchow (SD 66)

Roland Peterson (MN 77)
Rick Berg (ND 78)

Kevin Peyton (IA 07)
Chuck Morris (IA 71)

Sharad Phatak (MI 62)
Eugene H Buck (MI 63)

Gene Pickler (NC 54) †
Tom Kopacek (MN 70)
Roy Wilson (PU 72)

Roger Pine (KS 58)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Gage Pittman (OR 18)
Erik Gradine (OR 96)

Allyn J Plambeck (IA 64)
Dave Anton (IA 65)

Matt Podhajsky (IA 91)
Amy Rochkes

Barry Pollard (OK 70)
Randy Weaver (OK 72)

Shem Pond (OH 17)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

William Poor (KY 52) †
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)

Matt Prater (TN 86)
Coty Back (WK 05)

JB Priest (IA 88)
Timothy Becker (IA 90)

Steve Priest (OH 99)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Andy Pringnitz (IA 09)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Brent Pringnitz (IA 89)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)

William Quick (IA 90)
Timothy Becker (IA 90)

Daniel Rahe (IL 06) †
Kirk Builta (IL 04)

Ron Raikes (IA 62) †
Dave Anton (IA 65)
William Appelgate (IA 65)
Stephen Wilson (IA 64)

Rob Rainey (OK 80)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Dave Randall (IL 78)
Bruce Frank (IL 05)

Roger Rankin (KS 54)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Jim Ray (NE 58)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Kevin Rehder (SD 03)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)

Joel Reiman (MN 96)
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)

Roy Reiman (IA 55)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Jack Rossman (IA 55)

Tracy Remy (IA 54)
Chuck Morris (IA 71)

Doyle Renaas (SD 91)
Dinus Briggs (SD 66)

Wilbur Reschly (IA 65)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Rollie Rexroth (NE 68)
Gary Diffendaffer (NE 65)

Lukas Reynolds (MI 14)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Cory Richardson (TN 16)
Amy Rochkes

Allison Rickels  
William Appelgate (IA 65)
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Brent Bible (PU 93)
Jason Butler
Jeff Davis (SD 78)
Michael Dykes (KY 75)
Shawn Eagleburger (IA 02)
Tarry Edington (MI 61)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Jim Kelly (AU 81)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Tom Kopacek (MN 70)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeanine Lane
James Lodoen (ND 79)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Noel Stuckman (PU 54)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
John Torres (OH 02)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Nick Rickels (HON 16)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Allison Rickels

Seth Ricketts (MO 92)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)

Judson Ricks (TR 07)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
John Torres (OH 02)
Christian Wiggins

Ben Riley (ID 93)
Wayne Wohler (ID 74)

John Riley (KS 79) †
Rick Berg (ND 78)

Wayne Riley (IA 89)
Timothy Becker (IA 90)

Jason Ring (TN 19)
Amy Rochkes

Stephen Riskedal (IL 16)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Patrick Robinson (KY 98)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)
Dennis Liptrap (KY 62)
William Moody (KY 53)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
John Torres (OH 02)

Todd Robran (MN 91)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Amy Rochkes  
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Josh Rockey (WS 17)
Andrew Stockmann (WS 17)

Eugene Rodberg (IA 85)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Maynard Hogberg (IA 64)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)

Gary Roewe (IA 65)
William Appelgate (IA 65)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Daniel Roh (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Paul Rohlfing (NE 83)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Pierce Rohlfing (NE 19)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Kurt Rosentrater (IA 90)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Eugene Rodberg (IA 85)

Patrick Ross (OH 04)
John Torres (OH 02)

Jack Rossmann (IA 55)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Jerry Ladman (IA 55)
Marvin Selke (IA 55)

Kelly Roweton (MO 85)
Brian Fenimore (MO 85)

Duane Sandage (IA 46)
William Appelgate (IA 65)

Dan Sandager (MN 71)
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Dick Olson (MN 55)

Erik Sandager (MN 80)
Dick Olson (MN 55)

Lee Sandager (MN 46) †
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Dick Olson (MN 55)

Richard Sandager (MN 78)
Dick Olson (MN 55)

Drue Sander (NE 66)
Gary White (NE 66)

Skylar Sanders (TN 18)
Amy Rochkes

Brian Santora (WA 99)
Erik Gradine (OR 96)

Garth Sasser (ID 58)
Wayne Wohler (ID 74)

Mitchell Sauder (MN 14)
Ethan Dado (MN 13)

Garrett Saunders (OK 17)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Landan Schaffert (CO 12)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Ron Schaffert (NE 61)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Doug Schemmer (IL 90)
Michael Dykes (KY 88)
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Matt Schmiesing (MN 97)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Gary Schneidmiller (WA 68)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Randy Weaver (OK 72)
Roy Wilson (PU 75)

Lynwood Schrader (KY 51) †
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)

Nathan Schwandt (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Raymond Seal (OR 17)
John Crosiar (OR 68)
Erik Gradine (OR 96)
Shane Jacques
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Gary Sears (NE 61)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Allen Sedivy (NE 67)
Kenneth Messersmith (NE 67)

Vicky Seibert  
Bryan Chadd (PU 76)

Marvin Selke (IA 55)
Jack Rossman (IA 55)

David Sellin (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Brent Bible (PU 93)
Dinus Briggs (SD 66)
Rick Brock (PU 71)
Michael Dykes (KY 75)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeanine Lane
Mike Northup (HON 18)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Noel Stuckman (PU 54)
Jack Thomas (OK 71)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)
John Torres (OH 02)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Melvin E Sherwin (MO 05) †
Rick Berg (ND 78)

Jason Shiffermiller (NE 92)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)

Fred Shinnick (SD 66)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Rich Shuler (IA 64)
William Appelgate (IA 65)
Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)
Roger Brummett (IA 68)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Joe Shultz (OH 99)
Michael Dykes (KY 84)

Cory Simmons (NM 93)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Craig Sims (IL 94)
Bruce Frank (IL 05)

Doug Sims (IL 65)
Michael Dykes (KY 78)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Patricia Justice
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
James Lodoen (ND 79)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Fay Sims (IL 38) †
Patricia Justice
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Randy Sims (IL 66)
Doug Sims (IL 65)

Matt Skarshaug (IA 10)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Eugene Rodberg (IA 85)

Bruce Skinner (NE 56)
Robert Smidt (NE 56)

Kent Slater (IL 65)
William Appelgate (IA 65)

Lloyd Slusser (WA 61)
Eric Hausken (WA 98)

Robert Smidt (NE 56)
Burt Weichenthal (NE 56)

Cliff Smith (IA 62)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Devin Smith (TN 18)
Amy Rochkes

Thomas Smith (KS 18)
Daniel Laverentz (KS 16)

Darl Snyder (IA 42) †
William Appelgate (IA 65)

Ken Snyder (NE 66)
Gary White (NE 66)

James Spry (CL 13)
Christian Wiggins

Jeff Stachler (OH 92)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Evan Stadlman (IA 71) †
Chuck Morris (IA 71)

Brent Stammen (OH 12)
John Torres (OH 02)

Harold Steele (IL 41) †
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Chuck Steffan (ND 78)
James Lodoen (ND 79)

Eric Steiner (PU 98)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Joseph Stephens (MO 93)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
John Torres (OH 02)
Christian Wiggins

Joe Stephens (MO 93)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
John Torres (OH 02)
Christian Wiggins

John Stephens (TN 19)
Amy Rochkes

Chris Steppig (IL 13)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Nick Steppig (IL 13)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Harold Stevens (NE 40) †
Greg Ibach (NE 81)
Jim Stevens (NE 68)

Jim Stevens (NE 68)
Gary Diffendaffer (NE 65)
Ron Diffendaffer (NE 68)
Greg Ibach (NE 81)
Kenneth Messersmith (NE 67)

Ray Stevens (NE 60)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Tyson Stichka (IA 99)
Chad Harris (IA 98)

Jack Stickle (OH 03)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
John Torres (OH 02)

Greg Stocker (KY 91)
Chris Logan (KY 92)

Andrew Stockmann (WS 17)
Jason Butler
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Christian Wiggins

Don Stout (NE 66)
Gary White (NE 66)

Montgomery Strathe (IA 63) †
Dave Anton (IA 65)

Kenneth Strohbehn (IA 53)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)

Tom Stroschein (ID 57)
Wayne Wohler (ID 74)

Noel Stuckman (PU 54)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Deon Stuthman (NE 59) †
Leroy Svec (NE 61)

Daniel Suess (SIU 13)
John Torres (OH 02)

Grant Suess (SIU 15)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Steve Sugano (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Leroy Svec (NE 61)
Larry Hammond (NE 61)
Calvin Messersmith (NE 61)

Dennis Swanstrom (NE 62)
Floyd Marsh (NE 63)

Larry Talish (NE 68)
Kenneth Messersmith (NE 67)

Damon Talley (KY 68)
Wilbur Frye (KY 77)

Kollby Taylor (CL 16)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Doug Tenney (OH 74)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
John Torres (OH 02)

Ronald Thaden (SD 66)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Bud Thar (MI 59) †
Eugene H Buck (MI 63)

Rob Thiel (OH 16)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Doug Thomas (KY 78)
Loys Mather (NE 59)
William Moody (KY 53)

Jack Thomas (OK 71)
Dinus Briggs (SD 66)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Glen Thompson (IA 76)
Chuck Morris (IA 71)

Keith Thompson (SD 82)
Ken Converse (SD 81)

Parker Thomsen (KS 16)
Daniel Laverentz (KS 16)

Taylor Thooft (SD 13)
Dinus Briggs (SD 66)
Spencer Chase (SD 11)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Eric Thurber (NE 89)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Roy Frederick (NE 63)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Andy Jacobitz (NE 85)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Lee Thurber (NE 91)
Roy Frederick (NE 63)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)
John Toy (NE 77)

Tom Thurber (NE 60)
Roy Frederick (NE 63)
Greg Ibach (NE 81)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Loys Mather (NE 59)
Calvin Messersmith (NE 61)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Stevens (NE 68)
Leroy Svec (NE 61)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)
John Toy (NE 77)

James Tiedje (IA 61)
Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)
Stephen Wilson (IA 64)

Roger Tilberg (SD 66)
Jeff Muchow (SD 66)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Brian Tisch (WA 98)
Eric Hausken (WA 98)

Bernie Tobin (IA 81)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Terry Tobin (IA 76)

Irene Tobin  
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Terry Tobin (IA 76)

Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Brent Bible (PU 93)
Rick Brock (PU 71)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Michael Dykes (KY 74)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Andy Jacobitz (NE 85)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeanine Lane
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Chuck Morris (IA 71)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)
Terry Tobin (IA 76)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)
John Torres (OH 02)
Brian Woolley (IA 75)

Kelly Tobin (IA 82)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Terry Tobin (IA 76)

Kevin Tobin (IA 79)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Terry Tobin (IA 76)

Terry Tobin (IA 76)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Chuck Morris (IA 71)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Brian Woolley (IA 75)

Zach Tobin (IA 08)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Jason Topp (KS 05)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Jeff Topp (ND 79)
Greg Bamford (CO 67)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Andy Jacobitz (NE 85)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
James Lodoen (ND 79)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Justin Topp (ND 06)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

John Torres (OH 02)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Tracy Kitchel (OH 97)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Christian Wiggins

John Toy (NE 77)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Chase Trainor (PU 20)
Amy Rochkes

Bill Trampe (CO 65)
Greg Bamford (CO 67)

Roger Tremayne (NE 67)
Kenneth Messersmith (NE 67)

Bryce Trull (TN 19)
Amy Rochkes

Wes Tschetter (SD 68)
Jeff Muchow (SD 66)

Harold Tuma (KS 52)
Dinus Briggs (SD 66)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeff Muchow (SD 66)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Trevor Tune (MO 13)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Walter Turner (MI 64)
Eugene H Buck (MI 63)

Jim Tweedy (MO 84)
Brian Fenimore (MO 85)

Dennis Unkenholz (SD 66)
Jeff Muchow (SD 66)

Peter Van Gee (OK 11)
Cody Cramer (OK 08)

Dwayne Vande Krol (IA 90)
Timothy Becker (IA 90)

Al Vannice (MI 63)
Bob Wiles (MI 63)

Russ VanZant (KY 92)
Arthur Hathaway (KY 92)

Ron Vaske (SD 87)
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Clark Hanson (MN 61)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
James Lodoen (ND 79)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Lee Thurber (NE 91)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Jeffrey Veenhuizen (PU 78)
Bryan Chadd (PU 76)

Norm Veliquette (MI 63)
Eugene H Buck (MI 63)
Tarry Edington (MI 61)
Bob Wiles (MI 63)

Tom Vincent (IA 80)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)

Robert Vinton (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Tom Volk (NE 85)
Neal Kanel (NE 04)

Dustin Volz (SD 03) †
Ryan Feist (SD 00)

Adam Vonderhaar (OH 15)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Ryan Vonderhaar (OH 15)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Christian Wiggins

Kurt Voss (MO 83)
Brian Fenimore (MO 85)

Don Wallis (MI 51) †
Bob Wiles (MI 63)

Jacob Walter (CO 15)
Christian Wiggins

Andrea Ward  
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Howard Warner (OH 63)
John Torres (OH 02)

Grant Washnok (SD 86)
Dinus Briggs (SD 66)

Matt Waters (IL 90)
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Jay Watkins (VT 14)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Ben Watson (IL 89)
Bob Knief (IL 89)

Joe Watters (IA 91)
Eugene Rodberg (IA 85)

Randy Weaver (OK 72)
Roy Wilson (PU 74)

Michael Webb (IL 99)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Bob Weber (NE 60)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Craig Weber (SD 86)
Ken Converse (SD 81)
Jeff Davis (SD 78)

Keith Weber (IA 60)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)

Robert Weber (NE 60)
Floyd Marsh (NE 63)

Warren Weibert (KS 66)
Rick Berg (ND 78)

Burt Weichenthal (NE 56)
Loys Mather (NE 59)
Robert Smidt (NE 56)

Brandon Weis (TN 19)
Amy Rochkes

Tom Wenstrand (IA 67)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)

Warren Wessels (IL 62) †
Larry Hageman (OH 94)

Garry Weston (KY 97)
Patrick Robinson (KY 98)

Jeff Weston (OR 95)
John Crosiar (OR 68)
Erik Gradine (OR 96)

Chris Wetzell (MN 99)
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Gerald Wheelock (IA 59)
Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)

Bruce Whitacre (NE 75)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

Gary White (NE 66)
Gary Diffendaffer (NE 65)
Jim Stevens (NE 68)

Jacob White (NE 16)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Colby Whittle (TN 17)
Amy Rochkes

Steve Whitty (IA 76)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Terry Tobin (IA 76)
Brian Woolley (IA 75)

Emily Wickham  
Tracy Kitchel (OH 97)

Jim Wieland (ND 72)
Michael Dykes (KY 75)
Jim Herbert (TN 61)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Calvin Messersmith (NE 61)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)

Christian Wiggins  
Frank Bezdicek (MN 67)
Brent Bible (PU 93)
Jason Butler
Jeff Davis (SD 78)
Larry Hageman (OH 94)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Tom Kopacek (MN 70)
Jeanine Lane
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
John Torres (OH 02)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Wade Wilbur (KS 99)
Clint Blaes (KS 05)
Daniel Laverentz (KS 16)

Spencer Wilcox (WC 19)

Bob Wiles (MI 63)
Tarry Edington (MI 61)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Allison Rickels
Albert Vannice (MI 63)

Walter Willett (MI 64)
Eugene H Buck (MI 63)

Lincoln Williams (NE 87)
Neal Kanel (NE 04)
Tom Thurber (NE 60)

Paxton Williams (IA 97)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Eugene Rodberg (IA 85)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Terry Tobin (IA 76)

Braden Wilson (CO 13)
Chad Harris (IA 98)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Christian Wiggins

Bruce Wilson (IA 69)
Don Wilson (IA 66)

David Wilson (IA 01)
Don Wilson (IA 66)

Donald Wilson (IA 66)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)

Gill Wilson (CL 14)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Christian Wiggins

Matthew Wilson (IA 98)
Don Wilson (IA 66)

Robert Wilson (IA 00)
Don Wilson (IA 66)

Roy Wilson (PU 71)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
John Torres (OH 02)
Randy Weaver (OK 72)

Stephen Wilson (IA 64)
Dave Anton (IA 65)
Don Wilson (IA 66)
William Appelgate (IA 65)
Lloyd Bettis (IA 67)

Phil Wilt (MO 83)
Brian Fenimore (MO 85)

Gerry Wirth (NE 68)
Ron Diffendaffer (NE 68)
Jim Stevens (NE 68)

John Wirth (NE 66)
Gary White (NE 66)

Dick Wittman (ID 68)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Jason Butler
Michael Dykes (KY 93)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Jim Kelly (AU 81)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Wayne Wohler (ID 74)

Marvin Wittman (ID 69) †
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Robert Wittman (ID 71)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Larry Witzel (IA 85)
Roger Bruene (IA 54)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Wayne Wohler (ID 74)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Shayne Woodard (TT 85)
Rick Barnes (TT 82)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Jeff Topp (ND 79)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Don Woodburn (NE 67)
Kenneth Messersmith (NE 67)

Mark Woods (TAR 17)
Charles Wassberg (TAR 19)

Cory Woodward (NM 95)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Brian Woolley (IA 75)
Rick Berg (ND 78)
Gary Hansen (SD 72)
Jim Hendrix (CO 72)
Bob Knief (IL 89)
Steven Lonergan (IA 85)
Scott Nagel (MN 85)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)
Allison Rickels
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)
Jim Tobin (IA 76)
Terry Tobin (IA 76)
Dick Wittman (ID 68)

Mark Woolley (IA 77)
Brian Woolley (IA 75)

Frank Wyatt (IA 66)
Dave Anton (IA 65)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Clayton Yeutter (NE 49) †
Dick Kruse (KS 63)
Jeremy Settles (NM 94)

Vance York (PU 52)
Dick Kruse (KS 63)

Jay Yost (NE 76)
Loren Peterson (NE 75)

James Young (IA 65)
Dave Anton (IA 65)
Craig Harris (IA 65)

Ryan Zenisek (IA 05)
Eugene Rodberg (IA 85)

Kirby Zicafoose (NE 66)
Gary White (NE 66)

James Zimmerman (TN 18)
Amy Rochkes

JE Zimmerman (KS 51)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

Rusty Zimmerman (MN 13)
Thomas Marten (SIU 11)

Wayne Zimmerman (KS 51)
Harold Tuma (KS 52)

J. Chris Hager

Director of Fraternity Growth

J. Chris Hager is the Director of Fraternity Growth with FarmHouse Fraternity. Before joining FarmHouse, he served as the director of chapter services for Zeta Psi International Fraternity.

Previous to Zeta Psi and FarmHouse, he spent 12 years working as a campus-based professional in fraternity and sorority life at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, IUPUI in Indianapolis, IN, Troy University in Troy, Alabama, and Stetson University in DeLand, Florida. He is a graduate of Ball State University with both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree and is currently working on an Ed.D. from Northeastern University in Boston (online).

He is an initiated member of Sigma Nu Fraternity from Ball State University and worked as a Leadership Consultant for his fraternity for a few years between undergrad and grad school. He is originally from Frenchburg, Kentucky, and attended Menifee County High School.

In the past he has been a volunteer with FarmHouse Fraternity, serving as a small group facilitator for FLI and a facilitator for ASTP. He also volunteers for other international programs such as Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) now serving as a volunteer with the Alabama, Indiana and Kentucky Seminar. The bulk of his HOBY volunteer work has been with the Kentucky Seminar where he has served as a small group facilitator for three years and then stepped up into the role of director of programs for three years for the HOBY Kentucky Seminar. He is also a member of Kiwanis and was involved in the city of Troy chapter when he lived in Alabama and has been a member of a chapter in Indianapolis since he moved back to Indiana in 2016.

He and his wife, Lauren, who is an elementary school counselor currently reside in Pendleton, Indiana, just northeast outside of Indianapolis with their dog, Jake.

Rick Berg

North Dakota State 78

Partner — Midwest Management Co.
Former United States Congressman

Rick is CEO of Great State Holdings, which encompasses three companies: Great States Investment, Great States Construction and Collective. The combined companies focus on the acquisition, development, and management of multi-family projects. They have holdings in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, and Arizona.

Rick is past president of Berg Group, LLC, which focused on providing capital and financing for commercial real estate partnerships. His career started in 1981 as a partner in Midwest Management Co., a start-up multi-family management company. In 1987, he started Goldmark Commercial Corporation, a brokerage company focused on commercial real estate investment including office, retail, warehouse and multi-family.

He served in the North Dakota Legislature for 26 years as Speaker of the House, Majority Leader, Caucus Chairman and Chairman of the Business Committee. In 2010, he was elected to the US House of Representatives where he served on the House Ways and Means Committee with a focus on taxation and budget. In 2012, he ran for the US Senate.

Rick served on the Fraternity’s International Executive Board from 1986-94, including two terms as President. He also served on the FarmHouse Foundation Board of Trustees from 1994-2000. He was named a Master Builder of Men in 2012.

Rick, his wife Tracy and son Jack (24 years old) reside in Fargo, N.D.

Brian Woolley

Iowa State 75

Attorney & Partner — Lathrop GPM LLP

Brian is a partner in the law firm of Lathrop GPM LLP, working in their Kansas City office. He is a member of the firm’s labor, employment and higher education practice group. Brian advises employers on compliance issues relating to labor and employment laws and defends employers in contested matters. He assists public and private companies in many industries including manufacturing, professional services and health care as well as several non-profit organizations.

He is a frequent speaker on human resources law topics at seminars and client training programs, and serves as a contributing editor to the legal treatise “The Developing Labor Law”.

Brian received undergraduate degrees in food technology and business administration from Iowa State University and his law degree from Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago.

Previously, he served on the board of Wonderscope: the Kansas City Children’s Museum (including 5 years as president) and on the board of the Arthritis Foundation of Greater Kansas City. Currently, Brian is a member, and past chair, of the steering committee for the Heartland Labor and Employment Law Institute, a program of the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

He became a Foundation Trustee in December 2019. Brian and his wife, Patricia Martin, live in Kansas City, Mo. They have two adult children, Meredith and Philip.

Dick Wittman

Governance Chair

Idaho 68

Principal — Wittman Farms & Consulting

Dick is board chairman and retired manager of Wittman Farms, a 20,000-acre dry land crop, range cattle and timber operation in northern Idaho. After degrees from the University of Idaho and M.B.A. from the University of Utah, Dick worked for the Farm Credit System in the Pacific Northwest and Washington, D.C. In 1980, he joined the family farm in Idaho and established a private consulting practice focusing on financial management, family business governance, process improvement, business succession planning, and more recently consultant training.

He has served on several industry, community and bank boards. He is a founding director and past president of the Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association, and has served since 2007 on EDF’s farm advisors group. He is a director and past president of the Farm Financial Standards Council. He has authored numerous articles for farm magazines, has served on the faculty for the TEPAP Ag Executive Program since 2003, and is an adjunct faculty member of Texas A&M University. He is on the board of advisors for the Farm Journal Legacy Institute. He became a Foundation Trustee in 2016 and serves as Governance Chair.

Dick and his wife, Dawn, a retired Lewiston city library director, have five adult children and live in Culdesac, Idaho. The Wittman Family helps sponsor an Outdoor Education Camp located on their farm that gives hundreds of students, teachers and natural resource professionals exposure annually to key natural resource concepts.

Chris Wetzell

Chris Wetzell

Minnesota 99

Vice President — Agrex, Inc.

Chris is a grain merchandiser and Vice President for Agrex, Inc. Agrex, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, is an agricultural commodity trading company which provides a broad base of services from origination to financing and logistics to assist the agricultural community. He currently serves on 3 joint venture boards located in North Dakota.

Chris graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2002 with a degree in Ag Industries and Marketing and a minor in Animal Science. He has served 6 years on the Minnesota FarmHouse Association board and was actively involved in the new chapter house project as well as lead the most recent search committee for new Housemother. Chris has been a long-time generous donor to the Foundation, including as a member of the Chairman’s Club for the FH Excellence Fund for the last two years. He became a Foundation Trustee in 2021.

Chris and his wife, Stephanie, have two children Beckett and Jordyn and reside in Medina, Minn. In his free time, Chris enjoys coaching youth sports, time at the lake, and traveling.

Charlie Oellermann

Charlie Oellermann

Finance Chair

Nebraska 77

Attorney & Of Counsel — Jones Day

Charlie oversees the Business Restructuring & Reorganization Practice in Jones Day’s Columbus, Ohio office, where he has practiced since graduating from law school in 1991. His practice focuses primarily on corporate restructuring, bankruptcy and other insolvency-related matters. He has played leading roles in Jones Day’s representation of debtors, creditors’ committees, asset purchasers and other parties in large corporate restructurings, both in court and out of court, across the country. Charlie also provides insolvency-related advice in litigation and transactional contexts. In addition, he serves as the Executive Editor of Jones Day’s bimonthly Business Restructuring Review.

 Charlie is a native of Nebraska and a graduate of Harvard University (J.D.), Purdue University (Ph.D.) and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (B.S.). He was an active member of the Nebraska FH Chapter as an undergraduate. Charlie served as president of the board of directors of the Christian Legal Society for the term of 2020-22. He became a FH Foundation Trustee in December 2020 and lives in Columbus, Ohio, where he is involved with the Ohio State FH Chapter and Association.

Jim Kelly

Auburn 81

Retired CPA & Partner — PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP

Jim graduated from Auburn University in 1984 with a degree in accounting and joined Coopers & Lybrand, a predecessor of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Jim was admitted to the partnership in 1994. As an Assurance Partner, Jim served clients in the insurance, healthcare, retail and consumer, and industrial products industries. He later served as PwC’s lead Risk Management Partner for both the East Region and the Insurance Sector, responsible for evaluating and managing risks and helping engagement teams and clients resolve financial and reporting matters.

Jim retired from PwC in 2018. Jim and his wife, Janice, live in Alabama where they split time between their home in Birmingham and their farm. They have two married daughters and a grandson who also live in the Birmingham area. Jim is active in his church and enjoys spending time with family, managing their outdoor resources, and quail hunting.

Darren Havens

Illinois 92

Director of Production and Precision Ag Marketing — John Deere

In his current role, Darren is the Director of Production and Precision Ag Marketing at John Deere. Over his 29-year career with John Deere, Darren has held several Sales, Marketing, and Business Development responsibilities, leading several growth initiatives including the expansion of John Deere’s Precision Ag Business and Dealer capabilities. During his time with John Deere, Darren has lived in 6 states, internationally in Singapore, and has traveled extensively, helping him better understand customer needs and opportunities to deliver innovative products/solutions for global markets.

Darren grew up on a 6 generation-family farm near Bushnell, Illinois. FarmHouse played an important role in the transition from a small town to the University of Illinois, while also building lifelong friends. While at FarmHouse, Darren served as Treasurer and President, helping to hone his leadership skills that have continued to benefit him throughout his career at John Deere.

Darren is a 1995 Graduate of the University of Illinois, with a degree in agriculture economics. He received an EMBA from Purdue University in 2002. Darren currently resides in Overland Park, Kansas, with his wife Jody and they have three children. Darren and his family are members of the Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas.

Craig Harris

Iowa State 65

Certified General Appraiser — Peoples Company

Craig lives in Shenandoah, Iowa, with his wife, Kathy, and have two children, Shannon and Chad (IA 98). Upon completing his degree, Craig spent 10 years as a pilot with the United States Air Force. He served four years in the Vietnam War piloting C-141 aircrafts out of McChord Air Force Base in Tacoma, Wash. He remained a member of the Air Reserves for three more years. Craig then earned a master’s degree in agriculture economics and began his 40-plus year career in farm management and appraisal.

He first joined The Sandage Company as a farm manager and real estate agent. During this time, he served as a member of the Iowa FH Association Board and became involved with the Iowa Chapter of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, an association founded by FarmHouse Founder, D. Howard Doane (MO 05). He also spent time working with Gibson Farms, Inc.

In 1991, Craig entered into a new career in farm management and appraisals. He joined Farmers National Company, then Farm Credit Services of America in 2001 and retired from there in 2016. He is now associated with Peoples Company and has his own agriculture appraisal business of Harris Appraisal Services. During his tenure, he worked with the USDA and USAID leading delegations to the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic to teach courses on farm management, real estate appraisal and real estate brokerage. 

Craig was named a FH Master Builder in 2020. He served on the Fraternity’s International Executive Board from 2000-2006 and became a Foundation Trustee in December 2020. Craig has served on the First United Methodist Church of Shenandoah Board of Trustees, the Shenandoah Medical Center Foundation Board, Shenandoah Chamber and Industry Association Board of Directors as well as other local organizations. Craig and Kathy, recently celebrated 52 years of marriage and are lifelong supporters of Iowa State University.

Gary Hansen

South Dakota State 72

Attorney, Arbitrator and Retired Risk Manager

Gary is a retired risk management professional and a commercial arbitrator. He is a graduate of South Dakota State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and political science; the Graduate School of Banking, University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Mitchell Hamline School of Law, St. Paul. Gary is a Mitchell Hamline Alumni Board member and is active in the Minnesota State Bar Association.

Gary is serving his fifth term on the Eagan, Minnesota City Council. He is acting mayor when needed in the mayor’s absence, serves as vice president of the Eagan Economic Development Authority, and represents Eagan on numerous regional boards, including the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, Suburban Transit Association, and the Twin Cities Metropolitan Council’s Transportation Advisory Board.

Gary is a past president of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (Metro Cities) and serves on Metro Cities and League of Minnesota Cities legislative policy committees. He is a charter member of the Eagan Kick-Start Rotary Club. While at South Dakota State, Gary was active in student government and served as chapter president and associate editor of Pearls & Rubies. He was a Doane Award recipient in 1974. He is a past director and officer of the Minnesota FarmHouse Association.

Gary and his wife Kathy have two daughters, Andrea Murphy and Kelly Darwitz; sons-in-law Daniel Murphy and Ryan Darwitz; a son, Tim, and four granddaughters. 

Bryce Freeman

Iowa State 93

Global HR Senior Director — McCormick & Co.

Bryce currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer for District Cannabis, producing medical and recreational-use products for the Maryland and Washington, DC markets. Bryce graduated from Iowa State University in 1996 in chemical engineering. Prior to DCM, Bryce served as a supply chain and human resources executive for McCormick & Co. and worked for Procter & Gamble for 17 years in manufacturing roles of increasing responsibility, including a plant manager role in Ireland and leading P&G’s contract manufacturing network of 70 plants in the U.S. and Canada.

Bryce feels very fortunate to be active in FarmHouse. He served on the Iowa State FH Association Board, including a term as chair, and served for eight years on the FH International Executive Board including four years as President. He joined the FarmHouse Foundation Board of Trustees in April 2022. FarmHouse is one of the biggest positive influences on Bryce’s life and he treasures the lifelong friendships and leadership influences from his fraternity experience. Bryce believes that “progress shall mark our every step” and makes a lot of steps as an active marathoner and triathlete.

Bryce lives in Columbia, Md., with his wife, Marisa Pace, who is a U.S. Army Colonel serving as the Director of Congressional Affairs for the Army Reserve, and with their busy college student, Bennett, and high schooler, Clara.

Lloyd Bettis

Fundraising Chair

Iowa State 67

Retired Chairman/CEO — National Bureau of Property Administration, Inc.

Lloyd is retired chairman and CEO of the National Bureau of Property Administration, Inc., a tax consulting company. He graduated from Iowa State University in agricultural journalism and earned an M.B.A in accounting and finance from the University of Chicago.

Over the first 20 years of his career, he gained broad management experience at four different public companies: The Jewel Companies in Chicago, Denver, and San Diego; The Northern Trust Bank in Chicago; the First National Bank of Chicago, and ConAgra in Greeley, Co. In 1989, he returned to Chicago with the goal of acquiring a business, which led him to the National Bureau of Property Administration, a tax consulting company started in 1935. The business focused on ad valorem taxes for large corporate industrial clients throughout the U.S. He initiated and led the purchase of this business, along with other key staff. He served as Chairman/CEO until he retired at the end of 2015.

Lloyd and his wife, Kathryn, are Iowa State University Foundation Governors and served on the Foundation’s campaign committee coordinating Forever True, For Iowa State, an eight-year $1.5 billion campaign. Lloyd served as chair of the investment committee and chair of the ISUF board of directors. He joined the FarmHouse Foundation Board of Trustees in 2018 and serves as fundraising chair. Lloyd and Kathryn split their time between Naples, Fla. and Glenview, Ill. They have one married son, Chris, in Moline, Ill.

Eric Thurber


Nebraska 89

Co-Founder & Managing Director — Three Bridge Wealth Advisors

Eric brings to the team experience, a deep understanding of the industry, intelligence, vision, and passion. Eric believes strongly in a value-based approach to wealth planning, advising clients with an integrated approach that spans investment consulting, estate planning, philanthropic planning, risk management and expert relationship management. He also has 25 years of experience with investment manager due diligence, portfolio construction, asset allocation and alternative investment analysis.

Eric started working on Wall Street in Solomon Brother’s Sales and trading program in New York City. He has served as a financial advisor to wealthy families since 1995, when he began his career at Montgomery Securities in the private client department. In 1998, he joined Salomon Smith Barney, where he founded and built the venture group. Before founding Three Bridge, he was a senior wealth director and senior vice president at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. During his tenure with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, Eric participated at Stanford University’s executive education program that was offered only to top advisors. Before Citi’s merger with Morgan Stanley, he was a senior wealth director at Citi family office, a division of Citigroup formed to serve the wealthiest and most sophisticated clients of the firm.

Eric holds a JD from Harvard Law School and a bachelor of science in agricultural honors, with high distinction, from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He holds a certified investment management analyst (cima) designation administered by the Investments & Wealth Institute and taught in conjunction with the Wharton school. Eric is the current chair of the International Farmhouse Foundation Board of trustees.

A committed industry leader, Eric is a member of the inaugural JP Morgan ria advisory council, and is considered a thought leader in the industry, having been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Registered Rep Magazine, Investment and Wealth Monitor, and has been interviewed on the wall street journal radio network.

South Dakota State 70

CEO — FabriClean Supply, Inc.

Jim graduated from South Dakota State University in 1973 with a degree in agriculture and was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant through Army ROTC. After college and military service, he started his business career for 15 years making loans to farmers and ranchers in South Dakota and Nebraska thru Federal Land Bank Associations. He was later hired as Vice President- Credit for Cummins Financial, a subsidiary of Cummins Engine Company.

Always wanting to be a business owner, Jim and his wife, Shelly, purchased a distributor of drycleaning and laundry supplies in Dallas, Texas. In 27 years, they grew the business to 15 distribution centers, supplying dry cleaners and commercial launders in 22 states, in the south central and southeastern United States.

Jim is presently CEO of FabriClean Supply, and Shelly is a Vice President, with the headquarters in Dallas, Texas. Jim and Shelly have three sons and three grandchildren.

Jim joined the Foundation’s Board of Trustees in April 2022.

Scott Nagel


Minnesota 85

Retired President — ADM-Benson Quinn

Scott is retired president of ADM-Benson Quinn. He graduated from the University of Minnesota-St. Paul with a degree in agricultural economics. After graduation, he started his career with Benson-Quinn Company in Owatonna, Minn. He later transferred to Minneapolis, Minn., where he held positions in grain accounting, wheat merchandising and freight trading.

He has worked on both the trading side of the business in both grains and freight, and subsequently began working with Archer Daniels Midland Co. (ADM) in 1997 with ADM’s purchase of Benson-Quinn Co. Scott has served as president of ADM-Benson Quinn since January 2008. Additional responsibilities include commodity brokerage, elevator financing, elevator management and wholesale and retail fertilizer distribution. Their office manages the northern region of the United States as well as portions of Canada of Ag Services & Oilseeds division within ADM for both grain and North America for fertilizer activities.  Post ADM career will include consulting and board activities for both for profit and non profit organizations.

Scott became a Foundation Trustee in 2018 and recently concluded his term as Chairman. He held board responsibilities for the Minneapolis Grain Exchange. He served on several joint venture boards within the Benson Quinn business unit structure and Pacificor JV, a grain export terminal in the Pacific Northwest.

Scott and his wife, Jean, live in Maple Grove, Minn., and they have two grown children, Andrew and Emily. 

Vice President

Missouri 93

Austin, TX
Senior Assistant Dean and Director over the Working Professional and Executive MBA Programs at the McCombs School of Business, University of Texas – Austin

Joe serves as the Senior Assistant Dean and Director for the Working Professional and Executive MBA Programs at the McCombs School of Business for the University of Texas in Austin. He has worked in this role since 2014.

After 18 years growing up on the family farm, Joe graduated with a degree in Agricultural Education – Business/Industry in 1996. He went on to earn an M.A. in College Student Personnel at Bowling Green State University in 1998 and an MBA from Washington University in St. Louis in 2005. As an undergraduate, Joe served on the Mizzou IFC, Greek Week and RAMS Steering Committees, and was selected as Outstanding Greek Man and Mizzou’s Most Outstanding Senior. He worked for FarmHouse International Fraternity as the Director of Expansion and Growth from 1999-2001.

Joe has spent the majority of his professional career devoted to higher education, with a stint in Brand Management at Nestle Purina. Prior to Texas McCombs, Joe served in assistant director and director roles at Washington University in St. Louis and at Mizzou as Assistant Dean of MBA Programs in the Trulaske College of Business. Joe, his wife Cheryl and two daughters live in Austin, Texas.


Troy 07

Montgomery, AL
Controller at High Level Marketing

Judson is the Controller for High Level Marketing, a national digital marketing agency recognized as one of the fastest growing private companies in the nation by Inc 5000. Prior to his current role, Judson spent time in public accounting, specializing in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting for Jackson Thornton and Co., a public accounting firm in Montgomery, Alabama.

Judson graduated with his Bachelors of Science in Business Administration in 2011, and in 2012 completed his Masters of Business Administration with a focus in Accounting. During his time as an undergraduate member, Judson served in the executive leadership roles of Secretary and President. Judson was selected as FarmHouse International Outstanding Chapter President of the Year after helping the Troy Chapter capture its first Ruby Cup in 2009. He was also the recipient of the Chapter’s Doane Award and was chosen as the Order of Omega Greek Man of the Year in 2010. Judson was elected to the International Executive Board in 2016, where he currently serves as Treasurer.

Judson and his wife, Robin, and daughters, Evelyn and Alice, reside in Montgomery, Alabama.

Steve Robisky


Illinois State 83

Cedar Falls, IA
Owner and Operator, Robisky Farms and Northfork Kennels

Steve owns and operates Northfork Kennels with his wife, Michele. They are a licensed kennel raising German Shorthaired Pointers and Miniature Schnauzers as well as boarding and training for all breeds. He recently retired from John Deere in November 2021 after a 31-year career with the company.

In addition, they own and operate Robisky Farms, approximately 700 acres of farmland. Steve is a conservationist who devotes his time and effort to managing his property and others for the enhancement of wildlife, clean water, and clean air. He also does a fair amount of custom prairie and USDA Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) maintenance for others.

He is an avid upland bird hunter who can frequently be found chasing his German Shorthairs over the prairie in the fall. He’s a lifetime member, officer, and inductee of Pheasants Forever Hall of Fame.

His wife is a Director of Financial Reporting for TransAmerican Life Insurance and has been with TransAmerican for more 25 years. Together, they have three daughters, Anna, a 2021 Iowa State graduate who works for John Deere in Supply Management and is an NFL Cheerleader with the Tennessee Titans; Aimee a senior in the School of Design at Iowa State University; and Marissa an incoming freshman in the School of Engineering at Iowa State University.


Nebraska 81

Sumner, NE
Under Secretary in Residence, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Greg is the Under Secretary-in-Residence at the University of Nebraska Lincoln’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. During the Trump Administration, Greg served as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs. Prior to joining USDA, Greg led Nebraska’s Department of Agriculture for 13 years, making him the longest serving director in the organization’s history. Greg served as president of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture. He is an inductee of the Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement and honored with the Service to Agriculture Recognition from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Greg earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Science and Agricultural Economics from the University of Nebraska. He and his wife, Teresa, have three grown children, Evan (Nebraska 11), Alec (Nebraska 11) and Emily. With the help of his family, he and Teresa continue to maintain a cow/calf and grain operation near Sumner, Neb.


Ohio State 79

Columbus, OH
Chair, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University

John has been Interim Associate Director of the Farm Financial Management and Policy Institute, in the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Science at the Ohio State University (OSU) since fall, 2021. He previously served as Chair of the Department of Animal Sciences at OSU from 2017-21. Prior to his service at Ohio State he served as Special Assistant to the President for Agricultural Initiatives at the University of Idaho and had previously served there as Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences for four years and as Associate Dean for Academic Programs for eight years.

Professor Foltz received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in agricultural economics from Ohio State University. Foltz worked for six years as a district manager for Ralston Purina in Ohio and Pennsylvania marketing livestock feed and animal health products. Subsequently, he received his Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Purdue University and was at the University of Idaho for 26 years. As an undergraduate at Ohio State, he was a member of Alpha Zeta Fraternity, now FarmHouse Fraternity at Ohio State. John and his wife Barbara have two sons — John (Ohio State 02) and James (Idaho 07).


Corby Fichter


Iowa State 78

Shenandoah, IA
Regional V.P. of Southwest Iowa, Farm Credit Services of America

Corby is Regional Vice President of Business Development for Farm Credit Services of America for southwest Iowa with offices in Red Oak, Harlan and Carroll. After graduating from Iowa State University with a degree in agriculture business, Corby began working as a loan officer with Federal Land Bank Association in 1980 in Forest City, Iowa. Federal Land Bank Association became a part of Farm Credit Services of America in which Corby has held various roles for over 40 years. He also manages and operates an 1,800-acre farm near Randolph, Iowa. He serves as President of the Shenandoah Iowa Education Foundation. In 2020, Corby was honored as Iowa State University’s Outstanding Ag Business Alumni of the Year.

Corby and his wife, Jean, have been married for over 40 years and live in Shenandoah, Iowa. Jean graduated with a degree in home economics education from Iowa State University, where she was a FarmHouse sister. She worked for Principal Financial Group for a decade before raising their three children. During that time, she was heavily involved in church and homeschool activities. In 2017, Jean was elected to the Shenandoah Community School Board of Directors, where she has served as president for four years. She also volunteers in their community and helps care for their granddaughter.

Corby and Jean have three grown children, Austin (Iowa State 12), Adam (Iowa State 12) and Heidi. Corby’s father, the late A. Corby Fichter, Jr. (Iowa State 50) and Heidi’s husband, Chris Mandt (Iowa State 15), are also FarmHouse members. Austin was a student attendee at the 2015 Power of 7 Seminar. Austin and his wife, Jourdan, and their daughter live in Gretna, Nebraska; Adam and his wife Marissa and their 2 daughters live in Ames, IA., and Heidi and Chris live in Clive, Iowa. The Fichter family was honored with Iowa State University’s Family of the Year Award in 2020, an honor that is given to a family that shows a strong connection and pride for the University.

Brian Fenimore


Missouri 85

Kansas City, MO
Chief United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Western District of Missouri

Brian graduated from the University of Missouri in 1988 with a degree in Agricultural Economics and received a JD from the University of Michigan Law School in 1990. Brian became an active FarmHouse member on April 21, 1985, and served as Social Chairman and President of FarmHouse while at Mizzou. Brian was appointed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit to become a United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Western District of Missouri on August 31, 2017. Brian previously led the bankruptcy and creditors’ rights practice at Lathrop Gage LLP (now LathropGPM) for more than 20 years, appeared in cases throughout the United States, and served on the firm’s Executive Committee for several years. Brian became the Chief United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Western District of Missouri on January 1, 2020, and recently presented a program on Chapter 12 Farm Bankruptcies to all U.S. Bankruptcy Judges.

Brian and his wife, Lorna, both grew up on farms in northwest Missouri and currently live in Kansas City, Missouri. They have two children—Rachel (completing her residency in family medicine) and Will (a StuMo campus minister at Mizzou).

Eric Bymaster


Purdue 90

Nashville, TN
Associate Vice Chancellor of Finance, Vanderbilt University

Eric serves as the Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance at Vanderbilt University. Eric’s responsibilities include treasury, debt and cash management, financial planning and analysis, developing the annual university budget, the university’s capital plan, overseeing athletics finance and the finances of the 10 academic schools, and the vice-chancellors’ financial operations. Prior to Vanderbilt, Eric spent 15 years at Emory University in Atlanta, Ga. His most recent position was Associate Vice President for Finance & Operations in the Division of Campus Life. Before Emory, Eric spent seven years at Purdue University and Purdue Research Foundation, in West Lafayette, Ind. in a variety of roles including managing commercial and residential real estate as well as serving as a business and contracting officer in the School of Engineering and School of Agriculture.

Eric received his bachelor’s degree in business management from Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management and earned a master’s degree in higher education administration also from Purdue University. He joined the Fraternity Board at the 2018 Conclave and serves as vice president. Eric also serves on the board for Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee. He lives in Nashville, Tenn.

Corby Fichter


Iowa State 78

Shenandoah, IA Regional V.P. of Southwest Iowa, Farm Credit Services of America

Corby is Regional Vice President of Business Development for Farm Credit Services of America for southwest Iowa with offices in Red Oak, Harlan and Carroll. After graduating from Iowa State University with a degree in agriculture business, Corby began working as a loan officer with Federal Land Bank Association in 1980 in Forest City, Iowa. Federal Land Bank Association became a part of Farm Credit Services of America in which Corby has held various roles for over 40 years. He also manages and operates an 1,800-acre farm near Randolph, Iowa. He serves as President of the Shenandoah Iowa Education Foundation. In 2020, Corby was honored as Iowa State University’s Outstanding Ag Business Alumni of the Year.

Corby and his wife, Jean, have been married for over 40 years and live in Shenandoah, Iowa. Jean graduated with a degree in home economics education from Iowa State University, where she was a FarmHouse sister. She worked for Principal Financial Group for a decade before raising their three children. During that time, she was heavily involved in church and homeschool activities. In 2017, Jean was elected to the Shenandoah Community School Board of Directors, where she has served as president for four years. She also volunteers in their community and helps care for their granddaughter.

Corby and Jean have three grown children, Austin (Iowa State 12), Adam (Iowa State 12) and Heidi. Corby’s father, the late A. Corby Fichter, Jr. (Iowa State 50) and Heidi’s husband, Chris Mandt (Iowa State 15), are also FarmHouse members. Austin was a student attendee at the 2015 Power of 7 Seminar. Austin and his wife, Jourdan, and their daughter live in Gretna, Nebraska; Adam and his wife Marissa and their 2 daughters live in Ames, IA., and Heidi and Chris live in Clive, Iowa. The Fichter family was honored with Iowa State University’s Family of the Year Award in 2020, an honor that is given to a family that shows a strong connection and pride for the University.

Brian Fenimore


Missouri 85

Kansas City, MO
Chief United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Western District of Missouri

Brian graduated from the University of Missouri in 1988 with a degree in Agricultural Economics and received a JD from the University of Michigan Law School in 1990. Brian became an active FarmHouse member on April 21, 1985, and served as Social Chairman and President of FarmHouse while at Mizzou. Brian was appointed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit to become a United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Western District of Missouri on August 31, 2017. Brian previously led the bankruptcy and creditors’ rights practice at Lathrop Gage LLP (now LathropGPM) for more than 20 years, appeared in cases throughout the United States, and served on the firm’s Executive Committee for several years. Brian became the Chief United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Western District of Missouri on January 1, 2020, and recently presented a program on Chapter 12 Farm Bankruptcies to all U.S. Bankruptcy Judges.

Brian and his wife, Lorna, both grew up on farms in northwest Missouri and currently live in Kansas City, Missouri. They have two children—Rachel (completing her residency in family medicine) and Will (a StuMo campus minister at Mizzou).

Director of Leadership Giving

Delta Chi

Jason Butler is the Director of Leadership Giving for the FarmHouse Foundation. He provides leadership in the areas of major gifts, estate gifts, donor stewardship and data management as well as securing annual support for the FH Excellence Fund and advising FarmHouse associations with housing campaign planning. He is the staff liaison to the board’s Governance and Policy Committee.

He has been a fraternity professional for more than two decades and joined FarmHouse Foundation in October of 2019. He spent 15 years in fraternity fundraising and consulting with Pennington & Company, nine of those as partner and shareholder, assisting house corporations and national foundations secure more than $50 million to support students and facilities. He led their foundation division, providing counsel to fraternal foundations in the areas of operations, capital campaigns, staff and volunteer training and prospect research. He worked with 20 national fraternity and sorority foundations and directed 16 chapter housing campaigns, including most recently assisting the Oklahoma State FarmHouse Chapter with their successful debt retirement campaign.

Jason is a graduate of Central Missouri State University (now University of Central Missouri) with a degree in public relations with political science and marketing minors. Prior to joining the consulting staff at Pennington & Company, Jason worked for his alma mater in their alumni association and served his fraternity, Delta Chi, as a leadership consultant and Director of Chapter Services.

Jason is a tireless advocate for the fraternity experience and the impact is has on members. He is past president and a former board member of the Foundation for Fraternal Excellence, the industry trade association and community foundation. He is a longtime volunteer for Delta Chi, currently serving on their foundation board, as a past fraternity board member, and in various local volunteer roles with multiple chapters.

Jason is an avid downhill snow skier during the winter and spends his summers at Lake of the Ozarks. He is a longtime Kansas City Chiefs season ticket holder and faithfully follows the Royals even during the lean years. Jason resides in the Lawrence, Kan. area. 

Ryan McConnaughey


Wyoming 06

Casper, WY
Vice President & Director of Communications for the Petroleum Association of Wyoming

Ryan McConnaughey serves as the vice president & director of communications for the Petroleum Association of Wyoming, the state’s only trade association that serves as the voice of Wyoming’s primary economic driver—the oil and gas industry. Ryan brings extensive experience to the position having spent more than 15 years in constituent services, communication, public affairs and policy development spanning the agriculture, natural resources, healthcare, advanced manufacturing and government sectors. Ryan started his professional career serving six years as a field representative and grants coordinator for Wyoming’s sole member of Congress. He holds a master of science degree in agriculture production economics from New Mexico State University and a bachelor of science degree in international agriculture business from the University of Wyoming.

Ryan has given a promise of service to FarmHouse in a variety of ways. Locally, he was twice elected new member educator as part of the initial rechartering group at the University of Wyoming as well as president of the Wyoming FH Association after graduation. Further, Ryan has served FarmHouse International extensively, including two terms as the western regional director from 2012-2016, two terms on the nominating committee, Pearls & Rubies editorial board, the communications and marketing committee, and the bylaws and awards committee. Additionally, he has facilitated various FarmHouse leadership programs including FarmHouse Leadership Institute, To Be and Become, FH Grows and Regional Leadership Conference.

Christian Wiggins

Outgoing Executive Director and CEO

Pi Kappa Phi

Christian Wiggins is FarmHouse Fraternity’s outgoing Executive Director and CEO. Christian’s skills, abilities and deep understanding of college campuses, fraternity/sorority life and FarmHouse’s ambitions advanced the Fraternity quickly and effectively while developing a team of highly-capable staff.

Prior to FarmHouse, Christian served as Chief Operating Officer for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity where he managed operations, expansion and growth, training and education, communications, technology and lifelong member engagement. In his nine years as COO, he led a staff who more than doubled student membership, facilitated a successful organization re-brand, partnered with the Foundation to raise more than $9.3 million in major gifts and led the organization through a strategic plan and crafted and implemented another. Prior to his most recent role, he served the Fraternity as Director of Alumni Services and as a Hotel Operations Supervisor for Harrah’s Entertainment.

Wiggins holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of South Carolina-Darla Moore School of Business and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Management from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business at Elon University in North Carolina. Over the course of his career, Wiggins has served on more than a dozen non-profit boards, including current service as board chair for Campus Pride, the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors Foundation and the Coalition for Collegiate Women’s Leadership. He has given more than a decade of volunteer service at multiple levels with his Alma Mater.

He spent most of his childhood in rural western North Carolina with his grandparents and attempts to make it home five times a year to keep his close connection with his family. In his spare time Wiggins enjoys time with friends, traveling, cheering on a number of collegiate and professional sports teams, reading (especially biographies and works of history), staying active in his community, playing with his labrador Lumen and studying political science.

Nebraska 81

Elkhorn, NE
Circuit Judge on the seven-state United States Court of Appeals for
the Eighth Circuit

Steve was raised on a family farm and ranch in the Lodgepole Valley of western Nebraska. Growing up, he showed market steers and lambs in 4-H and FFA and served as a state FFA officer. Steve is a past president of the Nebraska FarmHouse active chapter, a Doane Award recipient, and a former chapter advisor. Steve and his wife, Verlyne, have four grown children and reside in Elkhorn, Nebraska.  

Steve received his undergraduate degree in agriculture honors from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and his law degree with honors from the University of Nebraska College of Law. Steve was appointed by the President of the United States in 2017 to serve in his current position as a circuit judge on the seven-state United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Steve formerly served as chief deputy attorney general where he managed the civil division of the Nebraska Department of Justice for nearly 12 years.  

Steve’s hobbies include planting conservation trees, attending college basketball and football games, playing driveway basketball and attending family activities.


Pete Weisenberger

Mississippi State 78

Owner — Weisenberger Agricultural Services, LLC.

Owner of Weisenberger Agricultural Services, LLC in Tyler, Texas Pete Weisenberger grew up in Mississippi on a dairy and crop farm. Graduate of Mississippi State University (B.S. and M.S. in Agriculture) and Millsaps College (MBA). Long employed in agricultural lending, now independently offering business administration consulting services to farm and ranch families.


Missouri 98

Assistant Vice President of Finance — AT&T

Jon Jarvis currently serves as Assistant Vice President of Finance at AT&T. In this capacity, he leads the Finance Global Commissions division, tasked with overseeing the commission payment, validation, and audit of AT&T’s consumer and business channels. His responsibilities extend to Telecom and Cable industry analysis and providing support to Investor Relations. Before assuming his current role, Jon was part of the Corporate Strategy team, where he helped develop long-term corporate strategies and initiatives across AT&T Communications.

Jon’s journey with AT&T began in 2009 when he joined the company’s Leadership Development Program. Since then, he has served in diverse management capacities within the company, spanning finance, corporate strategy, marketing communications, business strategy, sales management, sales operations, and network field operations. Before joining AT&T, Jon worked at LPL Financial and J.P. Morgan and as an Adjunct Professor of Finance. Jon is a graduate of the University of Missouri, where he obtained his BSBA with an emphasis in Finance and Banking, followed by a Master of Business Administration. He continues to maintain active ties with the university as a member of the University of Missouri Trulaske College of Business Finance Advisory Board, Jefferson Club, Davenport Society, and as a lifetime member of the Mizzou Alumni Association.

Jon and his wife, Larissa, live in Frisco, Texas with their two dogs, Warren and Charlie.

South Dakota State 87

Retired Corporate Secretary & Associate General Counsel — TransCanada PipeLines GP, Inc.

Jon recently retired after serving as Corporate Secretary and Associate General Counsel for TransCanada PipeLines GP, Inc. in Houston, Texas. Jon’s principal occupation has been Director, U.S. Governance and Securities Law in the U.S. Corporate Secretarial group of TransCanada. He joined TransCanada in January 2011 as Senior Legal Counsel and held that position until his appointment as Associate General Counsel, Corporate and Securities Law. He was also Corporate Secretary for the U.S. subsidiaries of TransCanada. Jon was responsible for U.S. corporate secretarial functions, securities law compliance, corporate governance and general corporate legal matters. Jon lives in Houston, Texas. 

Purdue 80
VP Agri-Business Banking — First Midwest Bank

Dwight Raab is the former Chief Executive Officer of Illinois Farm Business Farm Management (FBFM) and currently serves as advisor. Dwight led the merging of eight local FBFM associations into the current single not-for-profit farm management association. His experience includes four different roles with FBFM – field staff, vice-president of data analysis, CEO and advisor. His experience also includes time as an ag lender at First Midwest Bank in Illinois and Indiana. His current role as advisor to FBFM includes training of new staff in the field and
classroom as well as developing new business for FBFM in Indiana. He served on Farmhouse’s IEB for eight years (1998-2006) and six of those years as president. He serves locally as a director of the Champaign County Humane Society, a director of the Gifford State Bank and as a commissioner of the Union Drainage District at Saint Joseph. He is in his fifth assignment as an instructor in the Agricultural Economics Department at the University of Illinois teaching a senior-level farm management/finance course.

Dwight attained a Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue University in agricultural economics in May 1983 and holds the designation Enrolled Agent with the Internal Revenue Service. Dwight rushed as a high school senior at the Purdue Chapter of FarmHouse and was fortunate to live at the chapter house for all four years while attaining his BS. At the 2008 Conclave in Lubbock, TX he received the Master Builder award. He married the love of his life, Marcia in June 1986 and they have three grown children, Megan, Lucas and Matthew. He and Marcia live
at Saint Joseph, Illinois. In his spare time he likes sitting in a tree stand with a bow and chasing pheasants with a good bird dog.

Nebraska 75

Managing Director, Public Finance — Piper Sandler

Nate Eckloff is a managing director in the public finance investment banking group in the Denver office. Eckloff has assisted in the issuance of over $24 billion in municipal bonds during his 39+ years in the public finance industry. His public finance practice is primarily focused in Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming and Florida. Eckloff’s experience covers a wide range of tax-exempt and taxable municipal finance including general obligation bonds, public power and water and sewer revenue bonds, excise tax and non-ad valorem revenue bonds (sales tax, gas tax, etc.), special assessment bonds, higher education revenue bonds, healthcare revenue bonds and lease-purchase certificates of participation. He has served numerous school districts, special districts, cities, towns, counties and other state and local government issuers throughout his career.

Eckloff started his career at Coughlin and Company in Denver, a firm focusing on health care and general governmental finance in the Rocky Mountain Region. Prior to joining Piper Sandler, he was with RBC Capital Markets for 17 years and prior to that with Hanifen Imhoff/Stifel in Denver for 13 years. He has presented at numerous industry meetings including the Bond Buyer Conference, the Bond Market Association and several state and local Government Finance Officer Association meetings including the Treasure Coast (Florida), Colorado and Hawaii organizations. He is currently the vice president of the Colorado Municipal Bond Dealers Association (CMBDA), is a past president of the CMBDA and is a past chairman of the board of the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame. He is also a past president of the University of Nebraska Alumni Association in Lincoln.

Eckloff received his Juris doctorate and his Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Denver and his bachelor’s degree in agricultural honors from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is the proud owner of the family farm in Nebraska, which has been in the family since the 1870s.

Associate Director of Communications

Chrissy grew up in a small, agricultural Kansas community and was raised in agriculture, which led her to attend Oklahoma State University. Chrissy graduated from OSU in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural communications and a bachelor’s degree in animal science. Her and her husband, Harrison, married in April 2022 and live on their family ranch in the Texas Panhandle.

Chrissy has a freelance communications business where she works with agricultural clients in her spare time. She also enjoys spending time working on the ranch, riding horses and canning.

Nick O’Neal

Assistant Director of Alumni and Volunteer Engagement
Phi Delta Theta

Nick O’Neal is an experienced professional with over seven years working within fraternity/sorority advising. Prior to joining the FarmHouse staff, Nick served as the director of fraternity and sorority life at the University of Idaho for more than five years. Nick is a recipient of the 2022 Outstanding IFC Advisor Award from the NIC for his innovative approach to community growth and development during his time at Idaho. 
Nick earned a master’s degree in counseling and student affairs from Northern Arizona University and a bachelor’s degree in communicative sciences and disorders from the University of Montana, where he was first introduced to his fraternity, Phi Delta Theta. Nick enjoys giving back to his community, traveling and volunteering as a program facilitator for several national organizations. 

Assistant Director of Student Engagement

Sigma Kappa

Emily Little recently graduated with her master’s degree in college student affairs administration at the University of Georgia. She was a graduate assistant in the University’s vice president for student affairs office. She previously served as a state officer for FFA in Florida and as chapter president of Sigma Kappa sorority during her time as an undergraduate at the University of Florida. She will work remotely from her home in Athens, Georgia. 

Assistant Director of Chapter Development

Alabama 24

Brady Weems recently graduated from the University of Alabama with a degree in Secondary Education. During his time at the University, he played a pivotal role in founding the FarmHouse chapter and served as both Recruitment Chair and President. Brady will be residing and working remotely from Birmingham, Alabama.

Minnesota 69

Owner — Buhl’s Ridge View Farm

Don and his family own and operate Buhl’s Ridge View Farms, Inc. of Tyler, Minn., a successful farrow-to-finish operation that markets nearly 55,000 hogs per year.

Don graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in agricultural education in 1972. In 1975, he married his wife, Susan, and they began farming together in 1976 by renting the family farm from his parents and raising pigs. They’ve significantly grown their operations, efficiencies and sustainability over nearly 50 years. Two of their long-time employees are now partners in the operation.

The Buhls are founding members of the Pipestone System and have been active in its governance and as a producer. The production model aimed at allowing family farms to remain competitive through increased efficiencies. The Pipestone System is one of the top five pork producers in the United States.

Don’s involvement in the pork industry has been instrumental for over four decades. He has helped to develop programs for people new to the industry and to expand U.S. pork exports. He has had leadership roles on both the state and national level, serving as president of the Minnesota Pork Producers Association and president of the National Pork Producers. During his 10-year tenure on the board of directors for the National Pork Producers, he helped start leadership and legislative action programs and influenced U.S. trade agreements. In 2016, Don was the recipient of the University of Minnesota’s prestigious Siehl Prize for Excellence in Agriculture.

Despite all of Donald’s accomplishments during his nearly 50 years of farming, he says the best crop he ever raised was his children. Don and Susan have four adult children and four
grandchildren. Don is also involved in Farm Bureau, Lions Club and his church. He became a FarmHouse Foundation Trustee in December 2022. Previously, he was involved in the Minnesota FarmHouse Association and was a leader of their housing campaign committee. The Buhls continue to live on the farm Don grew up on near Tyler, Minn.

Michaela Norton

Director of Stewardship

Alpha Xi Delta

Michaela serves as the Director of Stewardship for the FarmHouse Foundation and has been on the staff since July 2012. She is responsible for the development and implementation of the Foundation’s comprehensive stewardship program to recognize donors at all levels, promote interaction and create meaningful opportunities for engaging donors. She also oversees the Foundation’s database management, giving societies and scholarship program as well as assists with financial statements.

Michaela is originally from Hays, Kan., and graduated in May 2012 from Kansas State University with degrees in public relations and print journalism with a minor in leadership studies. She is a member of Alpha Xi Delta and held multiple positions throughout her college years including Vice President of Programs. She interned with the Kansas State University Alumni Association for a year working with their fundraising campaigns. She was also a member of Sigma Alpha Lambda leadership fraternity. 

Michaela’s husband, Jeff, is a project manager at Oracle Cerner, a leading provider of digital information systems used within hospitals and health systems to enable medical professionals to deliver better healthcare to individual patients and communities. Michaela, Jeff and their two children, Ethan and Isla, live in Kansas City, Mo.

Kevin Wittrock

Oklahoma State 75

Investment Adviser Representative — Voya Financial Advisors, Inc.

A longtime resident of Edmond, Oklahoma, Kevin is active in the community. He is currently involved with Center of Family Love and the Oklahoma Family Network.

After graduating from Oklahoma State University with a BS and MS degree, Kevin taught people about vocational agriculture, banking and entrepreneurship. He graduated from the Graduate School of Banking in Madison Wisconsin and completed his CFP requirements from Oklahoma City University. Kevin is also a licensed real estate agent.

Kevin and his wife Monica, corporate attorney, have two children. Their son, Dr. Robert “Rob” Wittrock, Oklahoma State ’07, is a pediatric physician. Rob and his wife Jamie have two children, Kevin and Anne. Kevin and Monica’s other child is Sarah Moore. Sarah is an attorney and is married to husband Mitchell and they also have two children, Arthur and Cecilia “Cece”.

In Kevin’s spare time he likes to go to the lake, work on his farming operation which consists of 600 acres of wheat and stocker cattle, and of course chase his grandkids around. He also enjoys greetings at church and working for various charitable causes.

Special Assistant to the CEO


Katie grew up on farmland in Pennsylvania, and loves the outdoors and animals. She is responsible for data integrity in addition to special projects. She has spent 16 years working in the fraternal system, in addition to owning a small advertising agency since 1987. She attended the Atlanta College of Art and Design (now SCAD.)

Katie has been married to her husband for 40 years, and they have a married son (Trey and Kellie), and two granddaughters Maddie and Livi). Both her husband and son are members of Pi Kappa Phi. Hobbies include sewing, weaving, stained glass, reading, and cooking. A beloved part of their family is their 160 pound Great Pyrenees – Mousse!

Office Manager and Executive Assistant


Jeanine is the director of stewardship and grants for the FarmHouse Foundation responsible for implementing the Foundation’s comprehensive stewardship program and managing the execution of the Foundation’s grants and scholarship programs.

Previously, for four and a half years, she served as office manager and executive assistant for FarmHouse Fraternity, responsible for various aspects of human resources, accounts payable and receivable, project management, billing, office management and a shared service with FarmHouse Foundation.

Jeanine’s executive and administrative experience in the fields of advertising, finance, legal, hospital administration and automotive spaces brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the organization. With over 11 years of experience as a personal assistant for an award-winning, minority/woman-owned business, Jeanine is proficient with executive support and office administration. 

Jeanine has been married to her husband David for 35 years and together they have raised three daughters, Hannah (Ryan), Chloe and Sophia, all involved in fraternity and sorority life as members of Alpha Chi Omega, Pi Beta Phi, and Alpha Tau Omega at the University of Missouri, and Alpha Delta Pi at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Jeanine is a NASCAR enthusiast and enjoys relaxing on the beach, reading, reality TV, and spending time with family.

Gill A. Wilson

Senior Director of Member Services

Clemson 14

Gill serves as the Senior Director of Member Services, where he works closely with FarmHouse chapters, students, and volunteers.

Growing up on his family’s farm in rural South Carolina, Gill inherited a passion for agriculture, which he brought to his collegiate experience at Clemson University. He studied Agricultural Mechanization and Business with a Minor in Agribusiness. While at Clemson Gill helped to recharter the Clemson chapter of FarmHouse. During that time he served as chapter philanthropy chair and president, also serving on the IFC board. After graduation Gill moved to Kansas City to begin work for FarmHouse International Fraternity.

Gill and his wife, Rebekah, and their dogs, Bonnie and Clyde, reside in Augusta, Ga. where they are closely involved in their local church. During his free time Gill enjoys backpacking, shooting sports, and cooking.

Ryan Laughlin

Assistant Director of Education and Leadership


Ryan Serves as the Assistant Director of Education and Leadership, bringing with him a variety of experiences with him in Higher Education. As an undergraduate student at Winthrop University, he worked to be the re-founding President of the Rho Alpha Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon. A few years after graduation, he knew Higher Education was his calling and decided to pursue his Masters at Appalachian State University.

While in his masters program, Ryan worked for a variety of offices as an intern, but primarily spent his time in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life where he served as the direct advisor for the Panhellenic and Multicultural Greek Council. In this role he created educational programming for students and led Panhellenic recruitment. After graduation he worked with the Georgia Tech Alumni Association as a Student Engagement Coordinator leading student fundraising tactics, as well as at Student Organ Donation Advocates, a higher education adjacent non-profit, where he managed their student programs.

Ryan and his wife, Kate, live in Travelers Rest, S.C., where they like to take weekend hiking trips, and try not to get hurt on the mountain bike trails. He also likes to stay connected with his fraternity and alma mater by volunteering for both organizations.

Assistant Director of Growth

Minnesota 18

Shawn serves as the Assistant Director of Chapter Development, where he works closely with FarmHouse chapters, students, and volunteers.

After growing up in a small town in Wisconsin, Shawn moved to the Twin Cities to attend the University of Minnesota. There he found a home at the Minnesota chapter of FarmHouse Fraternity, being initiated in the spring of 2018. During his time in the chapter Shawn filled many roles, including Chapter President. Upon graduation in 2021, Shawn joined FarmHouse staff and initially worked primarily with chapters on recruitment and growth.

Shawn currently lives with two of his chapter brothers in Minneapolis, Minn. In his spare time Shawn is preparing to apply for law school, spending time with family and friends, being a long-suffering Minnesota Twins fan, and is a part-owner of the 13-time World Champion Green Bay Packers.

Chief Administrative Officer

As a former global supply chain and retail logistics professional, Pam has experience in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors. During a successful 35-year career at Hallmark Cards, Pam held positions of increasing responsibility working in divisions such as operations, marketing, supply chain, finance, and most recently the retail services organization.  After Hallmark, Pam turned her attention to the non-profit industry, working for Youth Volunteer Corps, serving as their director of accounting and human resources.

Pam attended the University of Missouri, where she was involved in several campus activities including her sorority Delta Delta Delta.  She continues to be involved with the University as a past president of the Mizzou Alumni Association, a current member of the Graduate Professionals Office (GPO) Board, and a member of the Faculty-Alumni Awards Committee.  Pam is a 2018 recipient of the Citation of Merit from the Trulaske College of Business, and a 2020 recipient of the Mizzou Alumni Association Tiger Pride Award.

Pam holds a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Saint Mary, and an MBA from Rockhurst University.  Pam and her husband, Randy (FarmHouse ‘81), are avid supporters of the University of Missouri and can often be found cheering on the Tigers at sporting events.

Macee Hammack

Director of Communications

Macee Ponder graduated from Oklahoma State University in May of 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Communications with a minor in Leadership Education. Macee grew up in a rural Oklahoma community on her family’s ranch. Macee and her husband Dillon was married in May 2022 and recently moved back to her hometown Leedey, Okla.

Macee has a freelance Photography and Videography business in her spare time. She currently serves on the Leedey Education Foundation Board of Trustees. She has previously worked as the Public Affairs Specialist for the Oklahoma Natural Resources Conservation Services.

Assistant Executive Director for Communications & Alumni Engagement

Oklahoma State 08

Cody Cramer has served as the Assistant Executive Director for Communication and Alumni Engagement since March 2020. Previously, Cody worked at Oklahoma State University in student recruitment, student retention and in new student orientation communication roles.

Actively involved in FFA and agriculture in Oklahoma, Cody attended Oklahoma State University graduating with a B.S. in Agribusiness in 2011 and M.S. in Agricultural Communications in 2013. Cody was a member of the Oklahoma State FarmHouse Chapter serving a term as pledge class treasurer and five semesters as social chairman of the chapter.

Cody and his wife, Anna, and their children, Campbell and Crosby, reside in Edmond, Okla. Active in his community, Cody has served on the local young professionals board and is currently the programming chair for the Fraternity Communications Association organization. They are diehard Oklahoma State sports fans and spend their free time attending athletic events.

Administrative Assistant

Nancy “Jo” Berryman joined the FarmHouse Foundation staff in May 2002 as part-time administrative assistant and bookkeeper. She serves as the staff member responsible for the Foundation’s bookkeeping, accounts payable, accounts receivable, grant and scholarship payments, deposits and banking activity.

Before coming to FarmHouse, Jo retired from Honeywell in Kansas City where she worked for 31 years. She is a native of Lincoln, Neb. Her volunteer activities include the Red Cross, King of Kings Church and tutoring for Laubach Literacy Program. She and her husband, Bill, reside in northern Kansas City, Mo. She enjoys walking, hiking and family activities.

Director of Annual Giving

Phi Mu

Miranda is the Director of Annual Giving for FarmHouse Foundation, which she began in
October 2022. She is responsible for the development and execution of the Foundation’s
fundraising initiatives, through well-coordinated communications and solicitations consisting of direct mail, email, social media, annual FH Day of Giving, Chairman’s Club membership, events, phone and personal outreach. 

Originally from Peculiar, Mo., Miranda graduated from Northwest Missouri State University (NWMSU) in Maryville, Mo in May 2022. She earned a double bachelor of arts degree in public relations and organizational communication while working three jobs and being an active member of Phi Mu sorority. During her last two years at NWMSU, she was Vice President of Financial Procedures for the Panhellenic Council, an organization to support, advocate and advance women’s sororities on the NWMSU campus. In this position, she was able to plan and implement philanthropy events for all sorority women to participate in and to benefit non-profit organizations in the community. 

Outside of the office, Miranda loves to explore the different areas of Kansas City with her
friends, cook new recipes she likes on Pinterest, and play with her pitbull, Sophie. Miranda
resides in Lee’s Summit, Mo., with her two roommates and loves getting to travel to the city for work.

Assistant Executive Director for Communications & Alumni

Oklahoma State 08

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