Home | Foundation | Your Impact | Leadership Training & Education
Equipping Leaders: Leadership Training & Education
The International Fraternity offers a variety of leadership and educational programs for FarmHouse undergraduates every year. It is the Foundation’s goal to provide the financial resources to sustain and grow the funding for these important educational programs and projects.
FarmHouse programs focus on general leadership skills and tools, ethics and ethically-based decision-making, community service and philanthropy, health and safety education, communication, conflict resolution, team dynamics and study skills. Your gift to the FarmHouse Excellence Fund or leadership endowment funds makes the following cutting-edge initiatives possible and impacts the life of FarmHouse men who attend now and for decades to come.

The premiere leadership training program of the Fraternity is the annual FarmHouse Leadership Institute. Each January, for more than 30 years, select chapter officers attend this four-day institute at the beginning of their officer term. The Institute is designed to address today’s challenges and enable student leaders to be a positive change in their chapter and on their campuses. Through a leadership-based curriculum, students explore, challenge and enhance their skills, personal awareness and commitment to FarmHouse. They also learn best-practice applications for their officer role and chapter experience. As a culmination of FLI, chapters spent time together creating a goal-setting action plan, which will help them plan their progress for the coming year. The cost to attend the FH Leadership Institute is fully-funded by donations to the FH Excellence Fund and leadership endowment funds.
Social interactions with brothers, physical development and a one-of-a-kind educational opportunities. To Be and Become (TBB) offers FarmHouse men in their first year of membership an opportunity to gather with brothers to solve the most pressing challenges faced on their campuses. Through large group training, small group discussion, independent reflection and the experiential learning of an outdoor adventure environment, TBB participants leave the Retreat with increased self efficacy, a deeper connection to the Fraternity and tactics for personal success. This annual 3-day retreat is held each year in May and is designed to build on the strengths and leadership potential of new members of FarmHouse. after the completion of a member’s first year or semester in FarmHouse.
This award-winning seminar is a first class think-tank on the nation and FarmHouse Fraternity. The program is an informal forum, conducted under the leadership of the Foundation Trustees, on the international business climate and economy with an emphasis on agriculture, technology, healthcare and entrepreneurship. Membership in The Power of 7 is exclusive to alumni who pledge to give $10,000, a tax-deductible gift, to the FH Excellence Fund. In return for their gift, they are invited to attend a dynamic, interactive two-day educational seminar in a casual resort setting and mentor a top junior or senior undergraduate leader. This donation includes sponsorship of an undergraduate, two-nights hotel stay and meals during the Seminar. All FarmHouse juniors and seniors are invited to apply to attend.
Thanks to the generosity of Jim (TN 61) and Judi Herbert, the Fraternity’s Director of Education and Leadership Development is funded by the Herbert Educational Endowment Fund. Through ongoing grants from their Fund, it covers the salary and benefits, travel, curriculum design resources, professional development and other expenses involved for this key staff member of the Fraternity. This position is responsible for developing curriculum, structure, guidance and educational programs impacting student leaders. It also supports recruiting, retaining and supporting local FarmHouse volunteers.
In Fall 2020, the Fraternity began piloting a virtual new member education curriculum. Covering topics such as FarmHouse’s Ritual, History and Organization Civics, the six-week new member education program is designed in a blended learning model that includes individual instruction, peer discussion and real-world application. After completing the interactive content and knowledge checks within the module, each member submits a personalized certificate of completion to their chapter’s new member educator. This act of accountability ensures each member learns the proper content. Each new member is to complete one to two online modules each week. Having gained new knowledge from the instruction module, new members then meet with the chapter’s director of new member education and fellow new members to discuss the content. Each member brings their own unique experiences and interpretations to the sessions, enabling positive discussions in their small group. This format also enables guest speakers to add a deeper perspective to the conversation. Discussion questions and completing each module enables positive collaboration and helps avoid hazing, which is not tolerated in FarmHouse Fraternity. Each new member is expected to complete all modules on time and participate in each new member education meeting. The pilot program is being administered by the Fraternity staff.
The Fraternity ensures all chapters receive at least one visit semester from the Staff, with more than 50% of chapters receiving two or more visits. They also continue to receive virtual support, mentoring and resources throughout the academic year and stay in regular communication with officers from each chapter. This increased level of support allows the consultant level of staff to have a year-round educational impact on chapters and members. Funded by the FarmHouse Excellence Fund, this grant provides financial support for the educational costs and staff time associated with chapter visits, chapter resource development and educational program delivery during the academic year. Grants include reimbursement for the hard costs of staff travel, lodging, meals and on-site program facilitation expenses. Additionally, these grants include a reimbursement for the staff salaries and benefits related to implementing the consultant program and for chapter support.
Trained staff work with chapters and associations to assess and monitor the effectiveness of the chapter advisory team leadership. They connect alumni volunteers with chapters and associations and assist in training and educating advisors and association board members on topics and issues relevant to chapters and students. Additionally, grants are made to the Fraternity for hosting webinars and virtual training for chapter advisors and association leaders about COVID-19 and to provide educational resources, best practices and recommendations in support of chapters, their facilities and student members.
Conclave is the biennial gathering of FarmHouse’s brotherhood to discuss the important and relevant issues facing our Fraternity, execute collective governance of FarmHouse through the delegate process and celebrate the Fraternity’s brotherhood. Conclave was first held in 1917 and 2018 marked the 50th time we’ve gathered as a Fraternity. Each chapter and association is required to send a voting delegate; however, all chapter members and alumni brothers are encouraged to join us and learn from one another. Grants are made by the Foundation to the Fraternity for the keynote speakers, educational sessions and hand-on learning opportunities for attendees held during Conclave.
Through the chapters’ Foundation Councils, the Foundation provides support for local chapter programming such as chapter retreats, etiquette dinners, community and professional speakers and leadership training seminars on campus and at the national level.

Leadership Training & Education
Home | Foundation | Your Impact | Leadership Training & Education
Equipping Leaders: Leadership Training & Education
The International Fraternity offers a variety of leadership and educational programs for FarmHouse undergraduates every year. It is the Foundation’s goal to provide the financial resources to sustain and grow the funding for these important educational programs and projects.
FarmHouse programs focus on general leadership skills and tools, ethics and ethically-based decision-making, community service and philanthropy, health and safety education, communication, conflict resolution, team dynamics and study skills. Your gift to the FarmHouse Excellence Fund or leadership endowment funds makes the following cutting-edge initiatives possible and impacts the life of FarmHouse men who attend now and for decades to come.

The premiere leadership training program of the Fraternity is the annual FarmHouse Leadership Institute. Each January, for more than 30 years, select chapter officers attend this four-day institute at the beginning of their officer term. The Institute is designed to address today’s challenges and enable student leaders to be a positive change in their chapter and on their campuses. Through a leadership-based curriculum, students explore, challenge and enhance their skills, personal awareness and commitment to FarmHouse. They also learn best-practice applications for their officer role and chapter experience. As a culmination of FLI, chapters spent time together creating a goal-setting action plan, which will help them plan their progress for the coming year. The cost to attend the FH Leadership Institute is fully-funded by donations to the FH Excellence Fund and leadership endowment funds.
Social interactions with brothers, physical development and a one-of-a-kind educational opportunities. To Be and Become (TBB) offers FarmHouse men in their first year of membership an opportunity to gather with brothers to solve the most pressing challenges faced on their campuses. Through large group training, small group discussion, independent reflection and the experiential learning of an outdoor adventure environment, TBB participants leave the Retreat with increased self efficacy, a deeper connection to the Fraternity and tactics for personal success. This annual 3-day retreat is held each year in May and is designed to build on the strengths and leadership potential of new members of FarmHouse. after the completion of a member’s first year or semester in FarmHouse.
This award-winning seminar is a first class think-tank on the nation and FarmHouse Fraternity. The program is an informal forum, conducted under the leadership of the Foundation Trustees, on the international business climate and economy with an emphasis on agriculture, technology, healthcare and entrepreneurship. Membership in The Power of 7 is exclusive to alumni who pledge to give $10,000, a tax-deductible gift, to the FH Excellence Fund. In return for their gift, they are invited to attend a dynamic, interactive two-day educational seminar in a casual resort setting and mentor a top junior or senior undergraduate leader. This donation includes sponsorship of an undergraduate, two-nights hotel stay and meals during the Seminar. All FarmHouse juniors and seniors are invited to apply to attend.
Thanks to the generosity of Jim (TN 61) and Judi Herbert, the Fraternity’s Director of Education and Leadership Development is funded by the Herbert Educational Endowment Fund. Through ongoing grants from their Fund, it covers the salary and benefits, travel, curriculum design resources, professional development and other expenses involved for this key staff member of the Fraternity. This position is responsible for developing curriculum, structure, guidance and educational programs impacting student leaders. It also supports recruiting, retaining and supporting local FarmHouse volunteers.
In Fall 2020, the Fraternity began piloting a virtual new member education curriculum. Covering topics such as FarmHouse’s Ritual, History and Organization Civics, the six-week new member education program is designed in a blended learning model that includes individual instruction, peer discussion and real-world application. After completing the interactive content and knowledge checks within the module, each member submits a personalized certificate of completion to their chapter’s new member educator. This act of accountability ensures each member learns the proper content. Each new member is to complete one to two online modules each week. Having gained new knowledge from the instruction module, new members then meet with the chapter’s director of new member education and fellow new members to discuss the content. Each member brings their own unique experiences and interpretations to the sessions, enabling positive discussions in their small group. This format also enables guest speakers to add a deeper perspective to the conversation. Discussion questions and completing each module enables positive collaboration and helps avoid hazing, which is not tolerated in FarmHouse Fraternity. Each new member is expected to complete all modules on time and participate in each new member education meeting. The pilot program is being administered by the Fraternity staff.
The Fraternity ensures all chapters receive at least one visit semester from the Staff, with more than 50% of chapters receiving two or more visits. They also continue to receive virtual support, mentoring and resources throughout the academic year and stay in regular communication with officers from each chapter. This increased level of support allows the consultant level of staff to have a year-round educational impact on chapters and members. Funded by the FarmHouse Excellence Fund, this grant provides financial support for the educational costs and staff time associated with chapter visits, chapter resource development and educational program delivery during the academic year. Grants include reimbursement for the hard costs of staff travel, lodging, meals and on-site program facilitation expenses. Additionally, these grants include a reimbursement for the staff salaries and benefits related to implementing the consultant program and for chapter support.
Trained staff work with chapters and associations to assess and monitor the effectiveness of the chapter advisory team leadership. They connect alumni volunteers with chapters and associations and assist in training and educating advisors and association board members on topics and issues relevant to chapters and students. Additionally, grants are made to the Fraternity for hosting webinars and virtual training for chapter advisors and association leaders about COVID-19 and to provide educational resources, best practices and recommendations in support of chapters, their facilities and student members.
Conclave is the biennial gathering of FarmHouse’s brotherhood to discuss the important and relevant issues facing our Fraternity, execute collective governance of FarmHouse through the delegate process and celebrate the Fraternity’s brotherhood. Conclave was first held in 1917 and 2018 marked the 50th time we’ve gathered as a Fraternity. Each chapter and association is required to send a voting delegate; however, all chapter members and alumni brothers are encouraged to join us and learn from one another. Grants are made by the Foundation to the Fraternity for the keynote speakers, educational sessions and hand-on learning opportunities for attendees held during Conclave.
Through the chapters’ Foundation Councils, the Foundation provides support for local chapter programming such as chapter retreats, etiquette dinners, community and professional speakers and leadership training seminars on campus and at the national level.